Side by side for my boys?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
What a day! 2 of my boars, ****gy (18 months) and Pumpkin (8 months) have lived together happily for 2 and a half months. They are like 2 peas in a pod and are both nervous shy boys. When ****gy lost his previous boarfriend we thought that Pumpkin would be a good match.

They have lived happily together always in their hide away house together even though they have a 5 x 3 foot hutch with another hidey house if they want it.

Anyway I have heard a bit of chattering lately (which I know is normal) but since they both hide as soon as I come out I don't get to see what they get up to unless I hide and spy on them.

The thing is today ****gy has 2 teeth marks and a bald patch on his nose, so we have divided the hutch down the middle overnight - is this the way that they should stay now?

Also I have 2 boar brothers that live in the hutch above (they are just one) will this chattering upset them?

Thank you for any advice

PS - ****gy's partner was Scooby - his name is not a rude word! :red
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The general rule is if blood is shed then separate. You could bath them together & reintroduce them on neutral ground if you wanted to, i personally would have them living side-by-side if they're happier that way :)

The chattering shouldn't upset your other pair of boys but it depends wholly on their personalities
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