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Sick piggy


New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Florida, Orlando
Hello everyone, my guinea unfortunately might have a respiratory infection, she's been coughing here and there, before when she used to cough quite a bit I took her to the vets and the vet said she doesn't have a respiratory infection and the coughing could've been coming from the wood shavings I used to use but I switched to fleece blankets but they did give me medicine for her to give it to her for 14 days until she stops coughing, it's been a month or two since that appointment I did give her the medicine for the 14 days she stopped coughing for a bit of time until she started to cough again, I think the source of the coughing might be coming from the pigs pellets since they're so powdery, she has another appointment this month on the 31st but I was wondering is there anything I can do to help her until her appointment?
Of course she must be seen by the vet as an infection must be ruled out but it would be worth you changing your pellets and ensuring your hay isn’t dusty.
Make sure you are using good quality dust extracted hay. I would also change pellets as they should not be powdery, and most importantly, get her seen by a vet. I hope she is ok xx
Reducing dust as you are doing may help. However, as she improved on a course of antibiotics and then got worse again once they were stopped, I'm wondering if she has a respiratory infection that was undertreated (either not a long enough course or antibiotics or a poor match with the antibiotics being given.) I would definitely give them timeline to the vet and see if they suggest either a longer course of antibiotic or a different antibiotic to target a different family of bacteria.