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Sick piggy


New Born Pup
Jan 14, 2022
Reaction score
My 2 year female piggy , Ginger is dieing. I believe she has a bladder stones , started off with antibiotics and pain meds , but this morning she's gotten worse not moving or eating , trying to give here water. I'm so sad. The vet wants too much money , $350 for ultrasound and more tests then probably surgery.
My 2 year female piggy , Ginger is dieing. I believe she has a bladder stones , started off with antibiotics and pain meds , but this morning she's gotten worse not moving or eating , trying to give here water. I'm so sad. The vet wants too much money , $350 for ultrasound and more tests then probably surgery.

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry. If she is in major pain (as she would be with a major bladder stone), can you please have her seen locally/by the out of hours services (if you are in a country that has them as you have chosen to not add yours) for emergency euthanasia.

Here is our detailed practical advice for looking after very ill or dying guinea pigs:
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs
I’m so sorry your piggy is so ill. Please have her seen by a vet. If there really is nothing else to be done for her at least you can send her over the bridge quickly without unnecessary suffering. Take care. ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you are doing your best to make your young girl comfortable and look after her. If there is no chance of recovery you might want to consider what the other posters have said about euthanasia at the vet. It probably doesn't help but surgery is no guarantee of success - especially if piggy is already deteriorating - there is a significant chance she could die during or following the op. My vet told me that stones can also reform in some pigs. We'll be praying for you and Ginger x