Dental Sick piggie


New Born Pup
May 26, 2020
Reaction score
Richmond, VA, United States of America
Hello All!

I have a guinea pig named Theodore, he is almost 4 years old. On Saturday, May 16, he stopped eating his veggies and his lettuce plate and seemed to not want anything. I took him to the vet on Monday and the veterinarian thought she saw an abscess in his mouth and she thought she smelled one, so she prescribed baytril for him. She had him stay overnight and wanted to get x-rays of his skull the following day. On Tuesday they did not see the abscess anymore but wanted to keep him again for x-rays. They finally preformed x-rays on Wednesday and I was able to pick him up that evening. The vet techs said he ate some hay in their care and ate some strawberries and blueberries. The vet seemed to think that she saw something on the skull x-ray but wasn't quite sure what it was. I ended up calling another exotic vet for an opinion because he wasn't eating lettuce etc. and took him to another vet on Saturday. They did bloodwork and sedated him for that. The took full body x-rays and found some gas in his belly. The vet diagnosed Theo with G.I. Stasis and prescribed him Cisapride, Meloxicam, and upped the dose of Baytril. I am also currently still feeding him critical care. He is defecating and urinating. He seems like he wants to eat but he doesn't or can't. When I give him the critical care sometimes he chews it oddly. He seems to open his mouth and chew with his head tilted. Or he acts like it is stuck in his mouth. He sometimes also spits it out.

I took him back to the vet this morning to have him looked at again. The vet said she may have seen something with his teeth but she was not 100% sure because she did not have him sedated to look. She mentioned they could be spurs on his back teeth. She told me that since she wasn't sure that we could take him off of the antibiotics and see if he feels better and starts to eat hay, kibble, and veggies. If he doesn't get better she recommended that I get an MRI done on him at North Carolina State (I am in the United States). That University has a teaching hospital for exotic vets and they could give him a full dental and examine him there.

I am wondering if any of you guys have had this happen with your piggies. I love Theodore and I just need him to get better. I would love some advice.

Tooth spurs/dental issues will prevent a piggy from eating. A mainly hay diet will help to wear the teeth down but if they stop eating enough hay then spurs can form which in turn causes them to eat less hay due to the discomfort thereby increasing the spurs and exacerbating the problem. Veg and dry food (kibble) make up such a tiny part of their diet. If he does have spurs, then only having a good dental will help to get rid of them.

Weigh your piggy every day to ensure his weight isn’t dropping.

I would suggest that you have a good vet check his teeth out properly.

@furryfriends (TEAS) has experience with dental issues so may be able to offer you advice

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