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Sick piggie being bullied


New Born Pup
Aug 2, 2021
Reaction score
Hi! My name is Jenna, and I have three female piggies. I moved houses a couple of weeks ago which has put a little stress on the pigs. A few days ago, I noticed that one of them, Mini, wasn’t eating. Today we took her to the vet and found out she has gi stasis. She’s lost a lot of energy. Keep in mind, Mini is the dominant pig in the group. My youngest pig, Phoebe, has been getting in her face ever since Mini got sick. I think she’s taking advantage of Mini because she is sick, and she can’t defend herself. Usually she’d never do this because Mini is dominant to her. About every 30 minutes I can hear Mini squealing from their room from being so scared. They haven’t physically fought, but I did notice Phoebe nipped at Mini’s ear a little bit, causing it to scab. Is there anything I can do about this situation, and has anyone else had their sick piggie taken advantage of? I feel horrible because Mini is constantly being antagonized.
If there was blood drawn then their bond may be broken. I'll attach a guide here that can give you more information.
Bonds in Trouble
Did the vet give you any advice on how to treat the GI stasis?
When a piggy is poorly and can no longer lead the group, a second in command will try to take over. It may be that Phoebe achieves it and becomes the dominant. The squealing may be submission rather than fear.

If she isnt being physically hurt, then its best to leave them together for as long as you can. If you separate them, then there is a chance they may not go back together again.

How are you dealing with the GI stasis?
The guides below will help further on weighing her every day and syringe feeding.
I hope she is ok

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Digestive Disorders: Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement) And Not Eating
Weight - Monitoring and Management