New Born Pup
Hi! My name is Jenna, and I have three female piggies. I moved houses a couple of weeks ago which has put a little stress on the pigs. A few days ago, I noticed that one of them, Mini, wasn’t eating. Today we took her to the vet and found out she has gi stasis. She’s lost a lot of energy. Keep in mind, Mini is the dominant pig in the group. My youngest pig, Phoebe, has been getting in her face ever since Mini got sick. I think she’s taking advantage of Mini because she is sick, and she can’t defend herself. Usually she’d never do this because Mini is dominant to her. About every 30 minutes I can hear Mini squealing from their room from being so scared. They haven’t physically fought, but I did notice Phoebe nipped at Mini’s ear a little bit, causing it to scab. Is there anything I can do about this situation, and has anyone else had their sick piggie taken advantage of? I feel horrible because Mini is constantly being antagonized.