Cavy chaos
New Born Pup
HI everyone. My poor pig Bumble has had a long illness starting in August When he was off his food. X rays showed a very damaged spine and he had painkillers but didn’t pick up that much. The vet then found a lump and after a week of conservative treatment the vet operated and poor bumble was found to have a huge amount of infection in his groin. This Operation was last thursday and he hasn’t picked up at all. I have been syringe feeding him and he has been going to the vet for anti inflammatory pain relief and metaclopramide. Today they tried an opiate and he was been knocked out all day. He seems to have completely given up and I am so worried he is not going to get better. I am still syringe feeding him, I dont want to give up on him.
Very sad for my baby.
Very sad for my baby.