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Sick Guinea pig


New Born Pup
Dec 19, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, I am a new owner to two beautiful Guinea pigs. One of my Guinea pigs mango, has been ill for around 10 days now. We suspected a water infection and went the vets on day 2 of being ill, she was given antibiotics baytril for 7 days with the painkiller rhemocam. She reacted badly to the rhemocam and we immediately stopped and sought treatment again. The vet then looked at her teeth and recommended a shaving. She then went under GA and had her teeth shaved and we are now 2 days post shaving. She is still struggling to eat and we are giving critical care 10ml per feeding alongside fibreplex and she’s been given an opioid buprevet to take 0.02ml per 8 hours. I am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience in not seeing improvements post op. Unfortunately, our vet has not been great in giving us full advice and we are seeking advice from YouTube videos and now I am on here looking for some help. It’s quite distressing seeing her this way. So looking for some advice from this community. I really appreciate it x
Hi, my piggy Dexter had surgery on 2nd December and in all honesty, he is still not back to normal. For the first 3-4 days he would not eat anything, only a few nibbles of his pepper, that was it. I syringe fed him critical care around the clock and syringe fed him water with probiotics mixed in. I am still doing this now over 2 weeks on.

He was so lethargic, didnt move much and was a completely different piggie to his usually cheerful self. I think some piggies can react to the general anesthetic worse than others. All I can tell you is to keep doing what you are doing and hopefully your piggie will start to pick up. It's a nightmare isn't it x
Is your piggie pooping OK? Did your vet give you painkiller to replace the rheumacam and a gut stimulant such as cisapride? I hope your piggie is OK. Mine has gone and pulled his stitches out 2 weeks on so it's back to the vets for me. Keep us posted x
Could you update us with the symptoms your piggy had - I’m curious how it’s gone from presumably symptoms of a urine infection to needing a dental. Of course it may well have been both things but it’s easier for us if we have a fuller picture of symptoms and the order in which things were occurring.

What reaction did you see to the rheumocam (another generic brand name from metacam)? It’s the most commonly prescribed painkiller and it’s not common to see reactions to it.

Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and weigh her daily, at the same time each day. This will help you ensure you are getting enough syringe feed into her in each 24 hour period.

If your vet knowledgeable with piggies, particularly with piggy dentals?

I would recommend you either speak to your vet again about the situation, or seek a second opinion. Below is a link to our recommended vet list. The vets on here are member recommended as being knowledgeable and experienced with piggies.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
Is your piggie pooping OK? Did your vet give you painkiller to replace the rheumacam and a gut stimulant such as cisapride? I hope your piggie is OK. Mine has gone and pulled his stitches out 2 weeks on so it's back to the vets for me. Keep us posted x
Hi, no guy stimulant given or any other painkiller we was given an opioid alternative bruprevet. We are giving her probiotics in her water, critical care food and she’s struggling to chew properly. Her pooping is completely fine thank goodness!x
Could you update us with the symptoms your piggy had - I’m curious how it’s gone from presumably symptoms of a urine infection to needing a dental. Of course it may well have been both things but it’s easier for us if we have a fuller picture of symptoms and the order in which things were occurring.

What reaction did you see to the rheumocam (another generic brand name from metacam)? It’s the most commonly prescribed painkiller and it’s not common to see reactions to it.

Please ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and weigh her daily, at the same time each day. This will help you ensure you are getting enough syringe feed into her in each 24 hour period.

If your vet knowledgeable with piggies, particularly with piggy dentals?

I would recommend you either speak to your vet again about the situation, or seek a second opinion. Below is a link to our recommended vet list. The vets on here are member recommended as being knowledgeable and experienced with piggies.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
Thank you! She started off with making noises presumably when she was trying to pass urine, we went for a checkup and the vet felt her bladder and suspected a urine infection. The reaction to metacam she had was diarrhoea. So we stopped her on that and carried on with just antibiotics. Over3 days we had went from feeding hay nuggets and veggies to slowly only being able to handle minimal amounts she dropped weight drastically within a day and off to the vets we went again. Where the vet was looking at her jaw and said her back teeth were bigger than usual which could be why she stopped eating. I am New Guinea pig mother so I am relying on google, the YouTuber squeaky dreams and now this forum for as much help as possible. x
I would think it’s the antibiotics that caused the reaction not the original pain meds. Not eating could also be a reaction to the antibiotics. But don’t stop them. Finish the course. I had a piggy on antibiotics for 6 weeks and he didn’t eat while on them. Once the course was finished he started to eat again.

I have not used an opioid painkiller but reading on the forum I think they can make a piggy sleepy so that may be what’s causing that.

Feed lots of syringe feed. At one point I was feeding my piggy 100ml a day and he was still losing weight. Weigh your piggy daily in the morning. If they have lost weight then feed more. Good luck I hope they are feeling better soon.

It would be unusual for painkiller to cause diarrhoea. It is however much more common for an antibiotic to do so.
- antibiotics can wipe out the good gut bacteria, cause diarrhoea and stop them from wanting to eat. Once an antibiotic makes them feel poorly, they will stop eating as much and will lose weight. (Hence the need for probiotics or poop soup to replace the good gut bacteria and syringe feeding to replace hay intake). Once the antibiotic course is finished and out of their system, they perk back up. Some antibiotics are more likely to cause gut problems than others but all have the potential to do so.

And yes opioid painkillers has the potential to make them sleepy which could in turn stop them from wanting to eat.

Please don’t put the probiotics in her water - it is far better to give probiotics directly to your poorly piggy. Add it to her syringe feed.

Weigh her daily and syringe feed as much critical care to her as is necessary to keep her weight stable each day - at least 40-60ml per day. It is the reduction in hay intake which is causing the weight loss and the hay intake which the syringe feed is replacing.

Did the vet test her urine to check for bacteria?

Is the vet piggy savvy, particularly to do a dental? A piggy dental is a rather specialist thing.
If she isn’t improving I would recommend you see another vet.
I wanted to reiterate what people above have said. I have never had a piggie react like this to painkillers, while antibiotics are renowned for upsetting their tummy.
My Elizabeth is currently on baytril and metacam and Pro C probiotic which I have been sprinkling on her food. Thankfully, she’s been fine but I agree with the above posters that it’s more likely the antibiotic that’s causing the diarrhoea and not the metacam. Opioid painkillers are also known to make them sleepy.

Sadly, not all vets are experienced with guinea pigs, especially not teeth. A previous vet recently cut my late Edwards incisors far too short after she thought they were too long causing more harm than good.

Have a look at the vet locator that has been linked in above and see if one of them is accessible for you. I hope your piggy feels better soon x
Hi all I am really sorry to deliver the news that our beloved mango has been put to sleep. We sought a second opinion. Her mouth was atrocious after the operation. However mango never recovered. Her heath dramatically deteriorated. The second opinion found that we had been giving her too much metacam/baytril for the weight she was she went from 780 grams to dropping to 720g. This was not picked up and we was advised by the first vets this was ok to administer. We was advised to take her back to the first vets to show them the condition they had put our angel in. We had no choice in the end but to have her put to sleep. Her breathing had become erratic along with the weight dropping and she lost the movement in her back legs and the movement to chew for herself. All due to the teeth shaving.

We have spent countless nights feeding through the night trying nurse our angel better. We trusted these vets. I can’t name the vets who are liable here. But I am asking if anyone could please give me some legal advice in what I could do. The practice needs shutting down and the vet need to be done for malpractice. I am heartbroken. She passed away on the 23rd December. I am still coming to terms with it now. I feel so much guilt, I am renowned for being a fixer and the most important little being in my life I couldn’t fix and make better.

We are based in Liverpool City Centre. I am just wondering how we would go about seeking justice for my little fur baby.

I trusted this vets with my baby. I miss her so much.

#legaladviceuk #animallaw #guineapigadviceuk
Hi all I am really sorry to deliver the news that our beloved mango has been put to sleep. We sought a second opinion. Her mouth was atrocious after the operation. However mango never recovered. Her heath dramatically deteriorated. The second opinion found that we had been giving her too much metacam/baytril for the weight she was she went from 780 grams to dropping to 720g. This was not picked up and we was advised by the first vets this was ok to administer. We was advised to take her back to the first vets to show them the condition they had put our angel in. We had no choice in the end but to have her put to sleep. Her breathing had become erratic along with the weight dropping and she lost the movement in her back legs and the movement to chew for herself. All due to the teeth shaving.

We have spent countless nights feeding through the night trying nurse our angel better. We trusted these vets. I can’t name the vets who are liable here. But I am asking if anyone could please give me some legal advice in what I could do. The practice needs shutting down and the vet need to be done for malpractice. I am heartbroken. She passed away on the 23rd December. I am still coming to terms with it now. I feel so much guilt, I am renowned for being a fixer and the most important little being in my life I couldn’t fix and make better.

We are based in Liverpool City Centre. I am just wondering how we would go about seeking justice for my little fur baby.

I trusted this vets with my baby. I miss her so much.

#legaladviceuk #animallaw #guineapigadviceuk
Oh no, I am truly sorry you have lost your precious baby. I know from experience the pain we feel is unbearable and even more so when we put our trust in others, hoping they will do their best for our little ones.

Unfortunately, I have no advice regarding legal action but if it were me, I would be the same and want justice for my piggie. I just want to say that in no way was this your fault, you put your trust in what should have been a professionals hands and unfortunately, this awful tragedy has occurred.

You really did do your best and are a good piggie parent. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight mango ❤️
I’m so sorry you had to make this hard decision. Mango is at peace now. Popcorning pain free over the bridge. Take care ❤️
I am so sorry that you had to make such a difficult decision to let Mango go, but clearly it was the kindest thing that you could do for her.
It is natural that you feel angry and let down by the original vet as you trusted them to help Mango, and they were not able to do this.

Part of the issue is that piggies are surprisingly complex creatures who hide their pain well, and the original vet were clearly doing what they thought was best.
Sadly without a full post mortem out would be almost impossible to say what went wrong, and pursuing legal action would be a difficult, lengthy and expensive procedure, with a very small chance of the outcome that you want.
Even if the vet made mistakes (this does happen on occasion), if every vet practice was closed every time they failed to save an animal then there wouldn't be many vets left.
Clearly you are devastated right now so a good place to start might be to write a letter to the original vet so you can express all of your concerns.
Give yourself some time and space to grieve your loss fully, and then if you think it might help maybe request a meeting with the vet to go over some of your points that you would like answers to.