Siblings fighting


New Born Pup
Aug 13, 2024
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Hi all, we're a few weeks in with still.incrsibly skittish piggies. One will pop their head out and grab food if your arms length but other than this our approach terrifies them.

We're taking it slow.

The issue is now, occasionally they (two sisters) fight, and it cam get quite aggressive. We were told by the breeder that siblings don't fight, and when we approached for advice we were told it was unheard of.

Help :)
Siblings absolutely can and do fall out - it comes down to character compatibility just as any other bond does. Being related makes no difference to their ability to form and maintain a bond.

It’s essential that you don’t misunderstand the use of the words fighting and aggression. A fight is unmistakable and immediately bond breaking. If a fight occurs the piggies must be immediately and permanently separated.
Fights do happen with sows, but a full fight is more of a boar thing. Sows tend to be more devious about their dislikes of each other meaning you need to read between the lines a bit more. An actual sow fight (and failing bond) can include pulling chunks of hair out of each other.
Also not to confuse their hormonal behaviour with being in season (which occurs around every 15-17 days) which is normal.
Dominance is normal and does not require any separations etc to be taken. It is not fighting

Hi all, we're a few weeks in with still.incrsibly skittish piggies. One will pop their head out and grab food if your arms length but other than this our approach terrifies them.

We're taking it slow.

The issue is now, occasionally they (two sisters) fight, and it cam get quite aggressive. We were told by the breeder that siblings don't fight, and when we approached for advice we were told it was unheard of.

Help :)

Hi and welcome

In my own experience, there is nothing like litter sisters when it comes to squabbling. Sibling rivalry is live and kicking. However, you do not need to worry about bites; it shouldn't get past tussles.

Make sure that you only have huts and tunnels with at least two exits.
Hi and welcome

In my own experience, there is nothing like litter sisters when it comes to squabbling. Sibling rivalry is live and kicking. However, you do not need to worry about bites; it shouldn't get past tussles.

Make sure that you only have huts and tunnels with at least two exits.
I agree - siblings can sometimes be the worst for fighting I think!