Junior Guinea Pig
So I have recently moved two Guinea pigs into my home. They were previously living at my Boyfriends Nan and Grandads house, but I was offering them support and advice, and helping with cleaning the guinea pigs etc. They were both really tame. One was still quite shy but would happily eat food from my hand and would play and eat with me in the the room chatting etc and the other was really relaxed and would climb on me during floor time let me brush her, didn't even care about me hoovering around the cage etc. They decided they could no longer care for the girls so I took them on as I had fallen in love with them and had created a good bond, and I didn't want to see them be rehomed not knowing what kind of home they would get. It has only been about 48 hours since I moved them, but I can't help feeling that we have made a huge step backwards. They won't come out of their hidey houses when I am around, I know they come out at night as I can hear them running and chatting to each other. They are eating as their bowls will be empty when I'm out of the room for a long time and there will be poo all over the cage. Yesterday during the day they did not eat the veg that was left for them in the morning. I'm worried that they will continue to be scared, I don't feel like they were this scared when they first came home to my boyfriends grandparents!