Shredded Paper?

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
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My dad is able to get a big bag of shredded paper at work for no price. He said that I should use it for bedding for the pigs because shavings and fleece are expensive where I am. I was just wondering is it alright for pigs to use shredding paper. I once used a tiny bit of my friends for the litter tray and I think the piggies liked it and none of them ate any of it. I just put my hands in the bag and it is really soft way softer than shavings. Fleece never really worked for me as I have a three story hutch and i'm unable to get a C&C cage. Just wondering and hoping becuase it would save a lot of money. Anyway is it better to stick to shavings or is shredding paper alright? Thanks.
My dad is able to get a big bag of shredded paper at work for no price. He said that I should use it for bedding for the pigs because shavings and fleece are expensive where I am. I was just wondering is it alright for pigs to use shredding paper. I once used a tiny bit of my friends for the litter tray and I think the piggies liked it and none of them ate any of it. I just put my hands in the bag and it is really soft way softer than shavings. Fleece never really worked for me as I have a three story hutch and i'm unable to get a C&C cage. Just wondering and hoping becuase it would save a lot of money. Anyway is it better to stick to shavings or is shredding paper alright? Thanks.

Personally, I wouldn't use shredded paper. It doesn't seem to absorb moisture in the same way as other beddings . I tried it once and it just made a soggy mess. You also have to be careful that no toxic inks were used on the paper . I stopped using newspaper for the same reason too.
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