Shredded Paper For Bedding?

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New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2014
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Hi everyone,

When I went tot the vet with Emmie last week the vet suggested changing her bedding to shredded paper because it's dust free. Ideally I'd like to use fleece but we live with my OHs parents at the moment and I'm not sure the mother in law would be too thrilled with me using her washing machine for piggie bedding as I've heard it clogs up filters?

Anyway, the shredded paper - it doesn't look very absorbent! Do you think I should mix it in with a bit of shavings or put it on top of newspaper?

A friend of mine has been using shredded paper between two layers of newspaper as an underlay for her fleece. Paper is not the most absorbent of underlays.

You do a lot by shaking out and hoovering your fleece and pads before you put it in the washing machine and by washing it in a bag.
I've also got some puppy pads which are lovely and absorbent, maybe I should order some fleece or vetbed with a bag.
You could try shreaded cardboard which is slightly better. With regards to washing you could use an old quilt cover or buy a cheap one and tie in knot with your bedding inside. I got one yesterday reduced to 4 pounds and it came with pillow case which I will be using as a hay bag. Just need to get some cord and a toggle from haberdashery shop!
A few ratty people use shredded paper quite successfully, it would need changing quite often though because pigs pee a lot and its not that absorbent. A lot of people on here use newspaper as a bedding quite well too, same idea as shredded paper I guess :-) newspaper with hay on changed daily is the preference of a few and tbh it sounds more hygienic than leaving something in a cage for a few days!

Re shredded cardboard finacard, green mile, eco bed, walmsley premierbed, and a few others are cardboard based bedding and personally I think its an alright bedding I have used ecobed and finacard :-)
I am using the paper pellets from Finacard and they seem to work really well without dust. :)
Hi everyone,

When I went tot the vet with Emmie last week the vet suggested changing her bedding to shredded paper because it's dust free. Ideally I'd like to use fleece but we live with my OHs parents at the moment and I'm not sure the mother in law would be too thrilled with me using her washing machine for piggie bedding as I've heard it clogs up filters?

Anyway, the shredded paper - it doesn't look very absorbent! Do you think I should mix it in with a bit of shavings or put it on top of newspaper?

Try Fitch recycled paper very absorbent Just type Fitch animal bedding into your search engine.
I can recommend Fitch as being dust free, a bit like having your piggies bedded on tissues. I love it, and so do they :)
A lot of suppliers sell a shredded paper made out of teabag type soft paper. It hasn't got a brand name so you'll need to ask your local pet store or farm store. At Bunny Burrows they use it as the main bedding & it's changed every 2 to 3 days. We use it for our piggies beds which are cat lit trays with a newspaper in the bottom then teabag paper on top. They love it.

I've tried Fitch but prefer this much more as it goes further.
A lot of suppliers sell a shredded paper made out of teabag type soft paper. It hasn't got a brand name so you'll need to ask your local pet store or farm store. At Bunny Burrows they use it as the main bedding & it's changed every 2 to 3 days. We use it for our piggies beds which are cat lit trays with a newspaper in the bottom then teabag paper on top. They love it.

I've tried Fitch but prefer this much more as it goes further.
Is it very absorbent?
Yes, It looks like it's made from teabag off-cuts & is soft and absorbent like tissue paper but stronger.
I bought finacard from a with a view to using it in our corner toilet. It did a better job than the carefresh did although it's not pretty and some of the bits of cardboard need to be broken down further. Ultimately, I stopped using it because I removed the toilet but it seemed ok to use and less dusty than the alternatives.
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