Adult Guinea Pig
Just thought id create a thread for people to post pigtures of their outdoor/indoor runs. Will post one of mine a little later when I'm able to use the camera. Lets get as many as poss!
My boys' home made run. Not sure of the dimensions but it's plenty big enough for them.
C'mon where are those piccies?
I would post a picture but I don't know how to upload pictures here. I can describe my run, right? Okay, well my Grandad actually made the run as he's quite skilled in wood work. He's also built my new hutch as well! Anyway, I sometimes put orange cones in the run, and upside down portable chair so it acts kind of like a tunnel and then a cardboard box with a couple of holes in. Piggies are actually out in the run now! -c
Hehe! If you go on photobucket or tinypic and upload a photo there, if you then copy the IMG code and paste it here you pic should show! There's a sticky in the technical help section if I didn't explain it very well!
Hmmm, thanks but I don't have access to a camera. I do but it's a lot of hassle to upload one picture Ahhh, well, I've given you a picture in your mind! And if you're wondering how I got my profile picture, that was because I had it on my phone!
This is my 6ft x 4ft run...
Ooh very nice (and big!) bet your pigs love being in there!
Yes they do.
I want to ask... How big run would you say is ok for them? They don't get to use the run that often as it is so big and can only be moved around a few times before the grass is right down.
I would like a touch smaller one for them so they can go out more often.
Personally i would use anything smaller than 5 by 4 for 2 piggies as mine love to run laps of their run and popcorn, however 4x4 is ok for 2 ... and much smaller and easier to use. I have a 4x4 I'm using as a temp run at the moment, i'll get a pic of it with 2 pigs in to show you (and of my other runs)