Should I switch tunnels?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2021
Reaction score
Somerset, United Kingdom
Me again, so, in quite a couple of threads I have mentioned how much my boys love their tunnel, they are now just running through it at a ridiculous speed and it’s so lovely to watch. However, they are chewing it, it’s plastic so I’m just worried about them eating it, I’ve been cutting off the chewed edges after they’ve used it and so far they haven’t managed to chew any chunks off, but I can’t stop them. I am planning to buy a woodland hay tunnel for them tomorrow but I feel bad taking the plastic one off them because they love it so much, it’s a lot longer than the hay one and I feel like they won’t find it as fun to run through... do I just need to deal with them sulking when I take it away or will they be okay with the plastic one as long as I make sure they’re not actually eating the plastic?
I think if it were me I would give them both. Watch the plastic one isn't getting sharp or dangerous in any way. Let them get used to the hay one and then remove the plastic later. Maybe have two hay ones or a hay one and a cardboard one that is cheap and safe to chew. I have fleece, hay, cardboard and the wooden sticks tunnels and swap things around when I feel my boars need a change. When I have cardboard boxes I cut a hole in opposite ends so they can run through. My younger energetic pair of boars have a 5 x 3 C&C cage so I have lots of room to build assault courses to run around and through!
Have you looked at the cardboard tunnels from pets at home or though about a fleece tunnel?
Mine love the bendy stick bridges with fleece strips hanging down over one entrance.
I think most piggies like tunnels, and if you are putting in new ones you may find their interest in the old one is reduced anyway.
My biggest issue with the plastic ones isn’t chewing, but the fact that wee and poop sit in it and it can be difficult to clean. But they really do enjoy a long tunnel, and there aren’t that many commercially made long tunnels available.
Love the idea of the inner from a carpet roll @Her Nibship
My biggest issue with the plastic ones isn’t chewing, but the fact that wee and poop sit in it and it can be difficult to clean. But they really do enjoy a long tunnel, and there aren’t that many commercially made long tunnels available.
Love the idea of the inner from a carpet roll @Her Nibship
Yeah, funny you should say that, the first time they used the tunnel they didn’t wee in it so that was easy, just tip out poop and wipe down... however today they made quite a mess and it’s Steve turn to clean it so he has been sat for a while cursing me haha, think we will slowly introduce them to edible, easier tunnels 😂
Yeah, funny you should say that, the first time they used the tunnel they didn’t wee in it so that was easy, just tip out poop and wipe down... however today they made quite a mess and it’s Steve turn to clean it so he has been sat for a while cursing me haha, think we will slowly introduce them to edible, easier tunnels 😂

You’ve just brought back memories of me standing outside running warm water from a watering can down the inside of the tunnel and twirling it around to clean out the mess. :lol!:
Plastic pipes from builders merchants are good to use they come in different lengths and sizes and have ones with and are easy to clean as they are smooth inside.
My fiance thinks I'm mad because every time we go past some roadworks or a building site I'm like "oooh look at all those tunnels the piggies would love those" :))
I have asked builders when walking past pipe off cuts at roadworks/building sites if I can take one. They do look at you as if you are a little odd but most are quite happy to have one less bit of rubbish to get rid of. I like the builders ones for the outside runs in the summer.