should i seperate?

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Aug 15, 2012
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south yorkshire
Ive got two boars that have have been living together and now they are teeth chattering chasing rumbling and flying at each i dont want a blood bath *** should i do?
How long have they lived together? And how old are they? It could be that they are hitting there hormone stage and testin eachother to work out whos boss unless blood is drawn dont seperate make sure they have 2 of everything and plenty of space! Hope this helps
They have lived with each other for three months dodge we had as a baby with another piggie but he died we rescued fudge who is afew months older than dodge they hav been fine and now rumbling struting, teeth chattering jumping at each other chasing teeth showing.... Think its passed sharing i think....
What a shame they are not getting on. I can only say that if you really think things are bad, then seperate them. Surely better to have them seperate than for them to harm each other.

Have they got a big cage? Maybe you could make sure they have plenty of retreats/ hidey holes so that one can get away from the other.

Hope things work out.
Ive seperated, fur flying out n out agression straight away at each other,

We posted at the same time! I think you've done the right thing. I wonder what sparked off the aggression? I have had this happen with male chinchillas who have previously lived happily together.
They have 8ft sq pens with tubes n hay dens, plenty of hay ready grass pellets n veggies, mypartner is building a 5th pens with bars so they can still see each other very upset , they are both so tired doing battle with each other not letting them carry on. Its unfair hopefully they will settle maybe try them with each other in afew weeks, :0
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