should I seperate them?

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Jul 6, 2007
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not quite sure where to start ... we got mog and giz 6 weeks ago introduced them slowly to george and she took to them right away ,washing thier ears and always all cuddled up together .I dont know whats gone wrong! the last week george has started sniping(sp?) at them as soon as either go near her she tries to bite them they no longer sleep together , george sleeps downstairs, this morning mog won't come down for her breakfast and giz is just trying to get to one of the bowls for something to eat! when they are out on the grass in the run everything seems ok ,and also if it's wet they have the run of their own shed and that's fine too it's in the hutch that it all goes wrong! I purposely bought a brand new hutch so george didn't feel possessive of her old one with the newbies coming and I'm sure its big enough for 3( 4ftx2ft two storey) should I put george back in her old hutch for breakfast and bedtime and put them all together during the day? the only time they are in a hutch is from about 7pm till about 6am (early riser) rest of the time it's the run or shed please
i think it's definatly a space thing, i had 3 in the same sort of hutch and it didn't work for me, do you have lots of hiding places in the hutch, so they can get away from each other? this may help. i used to have a pigloo upstairs and downstairs.maybe she would be better in a seperate hutch through the night, but then some people say if you seperate them for a short space of time, it's like new introductions all over again when you put them together. maybe someone else can help, but if it was me i'd only have 2 in your double story hutch, which is what i have now, my 3rd has been paired up with another guinea and living in a seperate hutch.
I think I've read nearly every thread on this forum and seem to be doing everything right , maybe she's just a moody mare I'll give it a go splitting them up at bedtime and see how it goes . OH said just go and buy a bigger hutch but somethings telling me that's not the problem , just a bit of a gut feeling,oh well lets see how it goes :-\
I don't know a great deal about pairing more than 2 guineas. Ask me in 3 weeks after I add in my new baby sow though!

I did bond my baby boar with an 18 moth old sow and to be honest they are never going to be a match made in heaven. If Spike goes up to Buffy's face she will lunge at him but I think it's more of a warning telling him to give her some space. They also get very territorial over food to the extent that Spike will sit over the bowl when I put in his favourite dried grass and then buffy will try and pinch his veg when he isn't looking. Buffy will also sit at the top of the ramp and when Spike wants to get past he has to run and barge because she won't move!

I think it's tit for tat with my 2. I don't think they hate each other and have never fought but they like to let each other know who's boss. Perservere with them but keep a close eye on them. Also try making sure there are plenty of bowls, water bottles etc and I also make sure at veg time they are separate from each other so they both get their fair share.
they are all out on the grass at the moment and you'd never know there was a problem :),i think it's like maisydaisy star said a space problem I will put georgie in a seperate hutch at veg/bedtime (I am going to reorganise the shed today so that they can still all see each other for a chat!) and see how it goes , she was on her own for quite a while after she lost her partner in crime and she is 4 so maybe after a day of 2 lunatics jumping all over her she's had enough,time will tell :-\
just been reading 'going back to a group' thread and was wondering about the separation thing ? does it mean you have to reintroduce if they are totally seperated or even in my case to ?
another thought maybe I can let them live free range in the shed (obviously with the hutch in there but with the doors open so if they want to use it they can).......I've got brainache now! 98)
hi sammy,
having their hutch doors open and maybe a ramp coming from it for them to have free shed space would be a great idea, it may stop the arguments.I do this in my utility for daily exersise if the weather is bad.
like i said earlier people have said before about seperating for even a little time, means introductions start all over again, but i'm not sure how true this is, i have had ill piggies quarrentined before, and put back with the others no problem. you'll have to wait for someone who knows about this to come on the forum, I would personally try it and see, x
just come in from doing exactly what you said above .......seems to have worked a treat far ,thanks for listening to me ramble :) xx
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