Should I Separate?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 28, 2016
Reaction score
I have a problem with my 2 boars.
I got a new baby, Piglet, a month ago. He is about 3 months old now. At first him and my older boar, Patch, seemed to get on OK. Patch was dominent and Piglet seemed to respect this and they would lay next to each other a lot. Over the last week though Piglet has tried to get more dominent and there have been lots of fights. Nothing bad enough for me to separate them though.
However, last night I came home from work to find Patch laid on his own in the loft. He never usually goes up there unless Piglet is up there with food so I was surprised to find him there. I have been home all day today and he has not moved from the loft. I have moved his water bottle and some food up to the loft because it is very hot here and I don't want him to overheat. My question is is it likely that Piglet has forced Patch up to the loft by being dominent? And is Patch too scared to come down? Should I separate them now or wait a few days and see if they can work it out? They are in a 2x4 c&c cage at the moment btw.
Thanks for the reply. I have checked Patch and he is not hurt at all and doesn't have any signs of heat stroke. He seems pretty content up in the loft and still hasn't come down. The thing I'm worried about is that the loft is just a 1x1 square. All it was used for was for Piglet to run up and down when he did zoomies. Should I extend it a bit while I wait to see if they can get on or should i just seperate the boys do you think?
Thanks for the reply. I have checked Patch and he is not hurt at all and doesn't have any signs of heat stroke. He seems pretty content up in the loft and still hasn't come down. The thing I'm worried about is that the loft is just a 1x1 square. All it was used for was for Piglet to run up and down when he did zoomies. Should I extend it a bit while I wait to see if they can get on or should i just seperate the boys do you think?

If you can, please extend it and see how that plays out. if the boys decide on their own amicable split from table and bed, but are not fighting, then I would strive to create a cage set-up that gives either boy a decent territory to be away from the other, but I would not formally separate. There is always the chance that at some point they might decide to get on better again.
You will have to brace for a bit more dominance at first after you have made any enlargements, as top boy will reasses and then occupy the more desirable part. :)
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