Should I separate my guinea pigs?


New Born Pup
Jan 23, 2017
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I have three guinea pigs (Betty = 5, Peaches = ?4.5 and Burdock = ?3). The females (not related) were adopted in July 2020 to be company for a widowed male (a gentle giant) - they all lived together quite happily (Peaches adored him). In July 2021 I adopted Burdock to join Betty and Peaches after original male passed away. Burdock was a junior who had been neutered and lived alongside the girls for three weeks. When I put them together everything was fine - Burdock adored Betty and got on okay with Peaches. In May 2022 I moved them in to a 4 x 2 C&C cage - hidey's for each with two entrances, two hay mangers, two water bottles. However, over the last year, Burdock has been picking on Peaches (she is a small guinea pig but very fluffy, he is quite muscular/solid). I realise some of it is about dominance (she squeals and freezes when he is just approaching her and he bites me/my clothes if he can't get his way!) and it is not constant (eg I will find them sleeping together in a hidey) but she has quite a lot of scabs at the moment and I definitely caught him with some of her fur hanging from his mouth the other day. I would appreciate some advice on what to do - would a larger cage help (although the fur incidence was whilst they were in their run which is currently 5 x 3 c&c) or should I separate them to live side by side (for a while or permanently and which should be by themselves)? (Sorry for the long message)
Increasing the cage size would be beneficial but only provided the cage size is the whole issue and there isn’t another problem between them. A 4x2 cage is not big enough for three piggies (it’s only big enough for two). Three piggies need a 5x2 c&c cage.
However if there are issues which are not related to space, then changing the cage size won’t make them get on.

It’s always tricky because piggy dominance can look quite rough to us but is normal to them. However finding scabs is not normal. If a vet can rule out that she has parasites (medical issues should always be checked first), then you may wish to try a trial separation and see if they are happier to be away from each other.

Are all their weights stable at each weekly check?

Bonds In Trouble
Hi - yes their weights are fairly stable (had weight loss after the summer but were treated for parasites and now back to normal). I moved home last year and still settling in but am looking to make them a 5 x 2 cage. I will get the vets to check her skin (no excessive scratching). Most of the time they are fine, but there were three skirmishes this morning!

Thanks for that link - I missed it before writing.