Should I separate my boars?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
I have two boars - 2 year old Neo and 1 year old Koji. Neo was previously bonded with another boar, the dominant pig who passed away and so we got Koji as a baby. Neo was the dominant pig as the older of the two, and had zero issues bonding. Neo is a very submissive gentle pig, Koji is full of attitude and hormones

Everything was perfectly fine until about three months ago. Koji I think is now bullying Neo. I posted a few weeks ago about hair loss on Neos back end that looks as if it has been pulled out, and he’s had the all clear from the vet that this isn’t medical.
Koji is chasing Neo around the cage, stealing/hoarding food and not letting Neo near it, and not letting him into hides etc. Neo is just letting him do it and is now losing weight due to not eating, I can feel his ribs. When feeding them, Koji will not let Neo eat and Neo doesn’t challenge this and just sits watching, but when fed separately (Koji in cage, Neo on my lap) will eat perfectly fine.

I’ve heard the “don’t separate until blood is drawn” but at what stage do I say enough is enough? I don’t think I'm able to divide their cage in half Neo seems miserable and won’t stick up for himself. I feel he’d probably be more comfortable with a female (after being neutered).

In what is clearly a case of confirmed bullying, yes separation does need to take place now.

You don’t separate for normal dominance and the ‘until blood drawn’ scenario but actual bullying is different and always needs separation. Bullying may never result in a fight (unless and until the bullied pigs has enough and snaps)

They need to live side by side in a cage measuring a minimum of 120x60cm or a 3x2 c&c.
Neither needs to have a new friend in the cage with them as side by side interaction is enough.

Why do you think say you cant divide the cage? I’m assuming it’s a size reasoning?
In what is clearly a case of confirmed bullying, yes separation does need to take place now.

You don’t separate for normal dominance and the ‘until blood drawn’ scenario but actual bullying is different and always needs separation. Bullying may never result in a fight (unless and until the bullied pigs has enough and snaps)

They need to live side by side in a cage measuring a minimum of 120x60cm or a 3x2 c&c.
Neither needs to have a new friend in the cage with them as side by side interaction is enough.

Why do you think say you cant divide the cage? I’m assuming it’s a size reasoning?
Thank you, Ive not long changed their C&C cage to a wooden enclosure and I can’t just pop in a divider like in the C&C (typical!). The cage is roughly the size of a 5x3 C&C just a little bit longer so plenty space to divide but I just don’t think I can adjust the structure of it!

If I have to separate then my long term my option would be to find Koji a new home, and find Neo a new friend from a rescue who matches his temperament better

I do think part of the issue is that Neo just lets it all happen! He’s too soft to challenge Kojis bullying.
Ah I see!

Definitely do separate them. From what you said they can’t remain together a day longer if he isn’t being allowed to eat. It is now starting to affect his health with weight loss.

Regarding him not standing up for himself - the issue would be that if he did actually challenge in the case of bullying then it would likely happen as a result of him not being able to take it anymore. It would likely not just be a challenge, it would be a full on fight by that point.
Ah I see!

Definitely do separate them. From what you said they can’t remain together a day longer if he isn’t being allowed to eat. It is now starting to affect his health with weight loss.

Regarding him not standing up for himself - the issue would be that if he did actually challenge in the case of bullying then it would likely happen as a result of him not being able to take it anymore. It would likely not just be a challenge, it would be a full on fight by that point.
Thank you so much. I feel so awful about the whole situation, I’ve let it sit a while to see if it was just dominance issues with Koji being a bit older but he just won’t leave him alone.
I’ll figure out a separation this morning for them, and work on a long term solution. Possibly getting Neo neutered and finding a nice girlfriend, or asking a rescue to match him with a pig. He’s just such a soft little soul!
Thank you so much again 💕