Should I Separate Cages?

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piggles 7000

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
In afew weeks I'm hoping to get my two females,Annie and Alice,bonded with my single boy Basil.He will be neutered within the next couple of weeks.In the meantime I have their cages next to each other to get used to each others smell etc.I also thought it would be nice for Basil to have abit of company with just the cage wires between them.Basil is very interested in the girls and "talks"to them a lot through the bars.Annie watches him and they are often nose to nose but in a non aggressive way.
I am wondering though if this is unfair on Basil as he may be alittle frustrated?Should I separate the cages completely until the bonding is going to happen?
In afew weeks I'm hoping to get my two females,Annie and Alice,bonded with my single boy Basil.He will be neutered within the next couple of weeks.In the meantime I have their cages next to each other to get used to each others smell etc.I also thought it would be nice for Basil to have abit of company with just the cage wires between them.Basil is very interested in the girls and "talks"to them a lot through the bars.Annie watches him and they are often nose to nose but in a non aggressive way.
I am wondering though if this is unfair on Basil as he may be alittle frustrated?Should I separate the cages completely until the bonding is going to happen?

Please keep any full male separate at all times, and any neutered male completely separate until 6 weeks post-op. I have got the unplanned baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post-op boar (not one of mine), just as a point in case that it can really happen as late as that. It literally takes only seconds to impregnate a sow - far quicker than you can intervene!
Unbonded guinea pigs don't do playtime. Every meeting is a bonding session for them. A constant on-off is by far for more frustrating for them than the wait until you can bond fully, especially as they can socialise and interact through the bars. Your piggies are fine as they are and will hopefully bond well once Boris is 100% safe to not cause any potential pregnancies. Please stay firm and - for your piggies' sake - withstand temptation, as hard as that can be!
Thanks very much for your reply.
I don't intend to put them in a cage together-just next to each other.I was concerned that Basil might find being next to them and therefore able to smell them abit frustrating but if its fine to have the cages so they can interact without the chance of a pregnancy that's great because I'm sure Basil is appreciating the company.I will wait about 6 weeks after his op to introduce them properly.
Thanks again.Its good to know the current situation is ok.
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