Should I rehome my guinea pigs?


New Born Pup
Jan 22, 2023
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I have two female guinea pigs both around 1 years old now, I've had them since they were 2 months, I'm starting to struggle with finance issues, and my mental health is beginning to cause some issues, cleaning the cage and interacting with them enough is becoming difficult, they are very timid and i cant pick them up and only occasionally manage to pet them, they run away from me whenever I'm near the cage, we dont have a bond and they're also beginning to fight? I'm aware it could just be dominance behaviours but at times they will lunge at each other, bite the other (though no blood), and even spray pee, they are almost continuously rumble strutting towards each other, because of how timid they are I'm not able to bath them or cut their nails, which i worry about, I'm concerned i cant offer them adequate care, I've already reached out to a guinea pig rescue in my area, who have let me know they can pick them up some time during the week if need be, so i know if i rehome them they'll be in a safe reliable environment, though despite the lack of bond i have with them i've noticed some progress such as them not always running away when i walk by the cage and even coming up to my hand as i put food in the cage, I was also told be the resuce i contacted that they're showing male dominant behaviours and that theres a possibility theyre male? Once again i cant get this checked as they're too timid and currently cant find a vet for them, even if i find a vet, i dont currently have a car so getting them there is another big issue, what is the best decision i can make? or any advice is appreciated.
Hello bambiandzinnia I’m sorry you’re having to think about this decision.
Only you can decide.
Guinea pigs don’t need lots of interaction and some will never be happy being held and will always run away.
Most guinea pigs are not fans of nail clipping.
As you have said , you’re having some financial issues and your mental health is having an effect too.
These are issues you have to think about carefully.
No one would ever judge you if you decide to surrender your piggies. You’re thinking about their needs.
I’m sure other more experienced members will come along to offer some advice.
Good luck with making this difficult decision
@Roselina thank you for this, its a difficult decision and I'm still unsure about what to do, I know that there are some people out there that would be slightly annoyed or even judge my thoughts of surrendering, but i genuinely do love my piggies and want whats best for them which is why I'm considering this in the first place, they deserve a person able to actively keep up with their needs, my heart is going with keeping them and just try a little longer to see if things change but definitely would appreciate more thoughts on this :)
I have two female guinea pigs both around 1 years old now, I've had them since they were 2 months, I'm starting to struggle with finance issues, and my mental health is beginning to cause some issues, cleaning the cage and interacting with them enough is becoming difficult, they are very timid and i cant pick them up and only occasionally manage to pet them, they run away from me whenever I'm near the cage, we dont have a bond and they're also beginning to fight? I'm aware it could just be dominance behaviours but at times they will lunge at each other, bite the other (though no blood), and even spray pee, they are almost continuously rumble strutting towards each other, because of how timid they are I'm not able to bath them or cut their nails, which i worry about, I'm concerned i cant offer them adequate care, I've already reached out to a guinea pig rescue in my area, who have let me know they can pick them up some time during the week if need be, so i know if i rehome them they'll be in a safe reliable environment, though despite the lack of bond i have with them i've noticed some progress such as them not always running away when i walk by the cage and even coming up to my hand as i put food in the cage, I was also told be the resuce i contacted that they're showing male dominant behaviours and that theres a possibility theyre male? Once again i cant get this checked as they're too timid and currently cant find a vet for them, even if i find a vet, i dont currently have a car so getting them there is another big issue, what is the best decision i can make? or any advice is appreciated.

Hi, I am sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time and completely understand why you are contemplating rehoming your piggies, as I too am in a similar situation, minus the behavioral changes and the non bonding situation.

You really need to have a good think about this and do what you think is best and right for them and for yourself. I too suffer from mental health issues that impacts the exact same things you are struggling with so I know how hard life must be for you at the moment. I hope everything works out for you 🙏.
Hello again - there’s no pressure and as long as you meet your piggies basic needs they will be fine.
I’ve had depression and can understand how hard it is with any mental health issues.
I found that if I didn’t have my piggies ….I’d have stayed in bed all day - I looked after my piggies before looking after me. So they helped me cope and find my way out of the depression. They still do.
Only you can make that decision and we’d never judge you on here - we want the best for you and your piggies ❤️
I'm sorry you have go threw this, i know how you feel. My friend went threw the same thing but there is no pressure do what is right for you. <3
I am sorry for the for the predicament you are in. I guess it depends on if you feel your piggies are more of a chore than an enjoyment. If a chore, then it’s probably best if you rehome them but if you generally enjoy them and so long as their basic needs are being met, then keep them.

I myself have mental health issues. I must admit that some days I can’t be bothered and I have to push myself to care for my piggies but their basic needs are always met and the majority of the time, I do enjoy having them and they’re what I get out of bed for in the morning.

Good luck with whatever you decide and nobody will judge you on here x
I am so sorry for the difficult situation you’re in and I admire your courage in facing both your own and your piggies’ needs.

When I have a difficult decision to make I find it helps to weigh up the options, then make a decision and live with it for a few days.
If it still feels right then go ahead, if it doesn’t feel right then make a different decision.

Holding you in my thoughts
I just want to thank everyone for the support and advice, its honestly helped so much with making a decision, I felt very alone at first with deciding what to do but hearing everyone whos gone through similar things and just the general support I've received, Ive decided to keep them and continue trying, yes i did consider surrendering them but after a lot of thinking i realised that i think I'd be deeply saddened by the choice, I'm also struggling a lot with my mental health and isolation, without my piggies I think I'd be extremely lonely, I'm doing my best to get the motivation to try harder, I want to give them the best life possible and i will do what i can for that to happen, if sometime in the future this decision comes up again maybe the outcome will have to be different but for now i know my choice 💗
I just want to thank everyone for the support and advice, its honestly helped so much with making a decision, I felt very alone at first with deciding what to do but hearing everyone whos gone through similar things and just the general support I've received, Ive decided to keep them and continue trying, yes i did consider surrendering them but after a lot of thinking i realised that i think I'd be deeply saddened by the choice, I'm also struggling a lot with my mental health and isolation, without my piggies I think I'd be extremely lonely, I'm doing my best to get the motivation to try harder, I want to give them the best life possible and i will do what i can for that to happen, if sometime in the future this decision comes up again maybe the outcome will have to be different but for now i know my choice 💗
You are welcome. I'm so glad that you have thought things through and have come to the decision that you feel is best for you and your piggies. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope your mental health improves in time. I hope mine will.
This little forum is a way to feel connected if you are lonely and feeling isolated. We share a love for guinea pigs but we also share a love for our fellow human beings. We care , we listen and we are here ❤️
I’m glad you were able to decide bambiandzinnia 🥰
I just want to thank everyone for the support and advice, its honestly helped so much with making a decision, I felt very alone at first with deciding what to do but hearing everyone whos gone through similar things and just the general support I've received, Ive decided to keep them and continue trying, yes i did consider surrendering them but after a lot of thinking i realised that i think I'd be deeply saddened by the choice, I'm also struggling a lot with my mental health and isolation, without my piggies I think I'd be extremely lonely, I'm doing my best to get the motivation to try harder, I want to give them the best life possible and i will do what i can for that to happen, if sometime in the future this decision comes up again maybe the outcome will have to be different but for now i know my choice 💗
Hello. I’m pleased you have come to a decision that feels right for you and your piggies. Please stay around on the forum. We love to chat and have fun. It’s not all about pigs. There’s always someone around when you feel lonely.

I find that sometimes the making of a decision is actually harder than the problem. So I hope you feel less anxious now that you have decided to keep your piggies.

With regards their care do you have a family member that could help you with their nails? Or a local rescue that could clip them for you for a small donation?

For the weekly weigh in I use a pigloo (picture below) to herd them into. Then you can weigh the whole thing and take off the pigloo weight. No chasing them around.

They may never be comfortable with you holding and petting them. That’s fine as long as they have each other and lots of hay, some veggies and a few nuggets. The fighting you mentioned could just be dominance from a strong season. I hope that settles down soon. Just keep an eye on it.

If you are struggling financially you could try the citizens advice. Maybe there is some help available to you?

Have you spoken to your doctor about your mental health? The first step is always the hardest but there are things that may help you. I struggle with anxiety and OCD.

Good luck. We are here for you 😘C84F6D75-918E-466B-B6B3-2D12F60BF48E.webp
I just want to thank everyone for the support and advice, its honestly helped so much with making a decision, I felt very alone at first with deciding what to do but hearing everyone whos gone through similar things and just the general support I've received, Ive decided to keep them and continue trying, yes i did consider surrendering them but after a lot of thinking i realised that i think I'd be deeply saddened by the choice, I'm also struggling a lot with my mental health and isolation, without my piggies I think I'd be extremely lonely, I'm doing my best to get the motivation to try harder, I want to give them the best life possible and i will do what i can for that to happen, if sometime in the future this decision comes up again maybe the outcome will have to be different but for now i know my choice 💗

It's so difficult to make the decision but, you can always change your mind later if you keep them and struggle too much but when you rehome them you can never just go and get them back. You have to be 100% sure.

I found guinea pigs always helped with my mental health even when it was difficult to meet their needs. At the end of the day as long as you are meeting their basic needs while not feeling well then that is enough. Cuddles and fuss and the rest is all an added bonus and they have each other for social interaction and companionship
I’m pleased for you that you have made the decision that feels right for you.
Always remember we are here for you if you just need to talk to friends