Should i? Or not?

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Apr 13, 2007
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Great Yarmouth
Ok so i set up the C&C cage in my room. The bottom is a tent ground sheet then newspaper then hay.
After many arguments my mum has agreed i can have the pigs in at the weekend but they MUST be out by Sunday night. Should i do this or will it just harm there health?there not allowed in full time so should i just leave it and keep them outside?
I dont wanna push it cause apparently 'they smell' and i dont wanna ask mum again because its me against the household. My sister has too walk through my room to get to her room you see.


hum I don't know but I would say that you are probably better leaving them outside. I don;t think the temperature difference will do them much good especially in the winter. Bu then again this is just my opinion, mine are indoors all the time.
Either outdoors or indoors, not both. Unfortunately if you choose outdoors (I assume you mean outside outside, not in a shed) then you risk illness and not being able to bring the pigs inside for cuddles as they can't cope with the sudden changes in temperature.
I think leave um out until you really need them to come in at the moment the weather isnt freezing but when it is really cold it would be good to have the option to bring them in so I would work on that with your mum. Maybe just let them in for a little run about?
dazie said:
Maybe just let them in for a little run about?

Even now it's a big change in temperature - is it really worth the risk? I lost a pig when I was much younger because I did just this and I wouldn't want others to learn the hard way.
Totally agree with daftscotlass.....They should either be inside from now on until the weather is mild enough at night to put them back outside. If this is not possible then they should remain outside as extreme temperature conditions can be potentially fatal to a piggie. If mum remains unmoved, ask her if you could maybe buy some vetbed, it is extremely good at maintaining their body heat and the urine soaks through to the bottom keeping piggies nice and dry. In addition to this place loads of hay on top of the vetbed and this should keep them warm O0

Good luck
Hi there i keep my piggies in the house but i clean them out every day i accually have 6 in the house and they dont smell i wouldnt have them in the house if they did how many have you got and how offtn do you clean them out maybe if you said to your mom if you clean them everyday and they dont smell can you keep them in or is it really that your mom just doesnt like the idea of animals in the house i am married and have left home but my mom still says now and again cant you put the guinea pigs outside if there not animaly they dont understand :smitten: :smitten: Best of luck x
I have 2,
I clean them out around once a week sometimes twice. At the moment they are in the Windermere hutch from p@h in the garden. They are bedded on newspaper, woodshavings and hay.
I dont know what to do.
Earlier this year i had them on fleece in my room and i have to admit it did stink 'cause i had Cardboard , newspaper and then fleece. But this year i have it set it up as a tent ground sheet and newspaper.
Earlier this year i wrote a long letter about Spice (i only had her then) being inside it kinda worked. but nobody in the house wants them inside. when all the rest (dogs, budgie and stick insect are inside)
It might be worth cleaning them out more often. I have a corex base and I use newspaper and hay and I clean my 3 girls out every other day as they seem to pee a lot. They all pee different amounts so maybe if you clean them more often they won't smell so much.
I don't see why all the other animals are allowed in but not the guinea pigs? They absolutely shouldn't smell if they're being cleaned out properly - it's clean out day here for my five and even then it doesn't smell. Cardboard and newspaper will smell if they get too wet - you really need a base for a C&C cage. Even if it's something simple like lino.
ive not got a c&c cos we really dont have the room to set it up just yet! but i have 5 indoors in a huge cage... until recently i used newspaper and hay... just rolled the newspaper up everyday and changed it... everyone stopped comeplaining about smelliness straight away....

could u swap rooms with your sister so your only walking through hers and she wouldnt have to worry about coming into your room then...? i know its a long shot... lol

do u even have a garage or shed u can move their hutch into so its not completely open to the elements.....?
It would be better if you could put them in the shed. The is a freezer and a dryer are in there but there might be room for the hutch too :)
well i plonked myself down at tea tonight and just said, Right, I'm building a big cage for the guinea pigs cos I'm fed up with them living in squalor, its just not fair on them... and my sister said ok... just like that after all the moaning they did in the past! ive found pink cubes on ebay and pink fleece and pink igloos! yey!

maybe you should stamp your feet and cry... :tickedoff: lol
Yeah, I'll bring them in and say if you want them out then you can pay for my grids and take them outside yourself. i'll put her budgie and stick insect outside!
Ok I know this isn't about pigs but my rabbit sleeps in his hutch all year long (we don't have enough room to have a 6ft+ cage/hutch in our house) so what i do during winter months is give it a good hour before taking him out of the house to put in his hutch for the night, i will usually bring him into the kitchen so he is near the fresh air so he can climatize a bit before going away. Also we don't really feel the cold in our house and i'm not one for central heating as it really plays havoc with my asthma. So just a suggestion, you could have them inside to play but let them climatize slowly before putting them away. Realise its difficult with parents however, that's why as soon as i moved in with my husband (then fiance) we got our rabbit!Skippy also has 2 hutch huggers on in winter plus extra bedding and has socks over his water bottles as well as the scratch and newton bottle covers. Hope this helps a bit, skippy has had 1 case of the sniffles and we have been doing this for 4yrs, but obviously each pet is different.
I have to say my daughters 2 8 week old piggies are inside and will remain inside piggies,our 5 older ones have always been outside,but it is not the same...we have such fun watching the inside babies,we dont have the same time with the 5 outsideys,they are moving into a massive double decker outside the back door to be closer,but still not the same...need a solution that will fit into our playroom,not take up masses of room and that my husband wont realise is there!Inside gets my vote now every time,if you can do
I agree with everyone that has said piggies should be indoors.Keeping pigs outdoors is not an option.I clean my pigs thoroughly once a day and then clean the beds again in the eveining.I have 16 pigs in my kitchen and they do not smell.The floor of the pens is lino which is easy to wash,and the wooden sleeping boxes are lined with flat newspaper and hay.Oldies or poorly pigs get a vetbed.

If you mum still insists on the pigs being kept outside during the winter,maybe it would be in their best interest to consider rehoming to someone who can keep them in the house.

Piggies do not like being cold and they get miserable.,but the biggest problem is that the piggy immune system does not cope well with very low temperatures or very hot weather.

If you keep your piggies very clean maybe your mum will change her mind.
Even if you can keep them warm or they get used to it its the humidity that it is the problem. None of my rescues go to outside homes for this reason alone. Be careful with humidity in the garage if there's a dryer...
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