Junior Guinea Pig
So, I've introduced my new girl to the other 3 today. Now, they were together in the run for a good few hours this morning without incident - some charging around but nothing else really. I put them all into the hutch at around 4ish and they seemed to be settling okay. But, when I just went out now, Violet (boss pig) was really chasing Floss quite aggressively, although not biting. Floss isn't retaliating in any way. I've just checked Floss and there are no marks on her whatsoever. My question is: do I leave them together tonight? They've been together since half 10 this morning without any injuries - I don't want to step in too soon and ruin things? All seems quiet now and there's no chasing going on - they're eating their hay quite peacefully. Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm a bag of nerves. Oh, the 3 older girls are around 18 months and Floss is 3 months old.