Should I Leave Them Overnight Together New Pair Boars

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
cumbria uk
Been trying to bond my two boys the last few days , story so far had them out on neutral ground , they shared veg and hid together then they started what looked like scrapping but I couldnt see , could just hear squeaking and a scratting about , so I put them back in there cages.
Today I had,them outside together , with periods of them exploring then face mounting each other nose to nose nudging quite strong , chasing each other , bum nipping etc , occasionally they would stop then it started again .
I totally did a whole cages clean , clean everything ,rearanged it added bits then I gave them both a bath ( been a busy day lol ,five kids as well I must be crazy!)
So now they are smelling gorgeous , with a nice clean cage , put them in together and they have been pop corning around ,lovely to see , but also chasing each other , pop corning in a circle but almost chasing each other bums but kind of frantically ! The nose to nose thing occasionally lots of noise , they don't look like best of friends yet , but there is only the to be expected behaviour , some mounting been going on for about 2 hours.
Just checked them now and they are still chasing , eating a bit of hay now and then the noise is kind of chirpy chattering with the odd low rumble , they still keep facing up to each other then off they go.
Do I leave them in tonight or separate ,going to bed in an hour.
By the way they are about 3 months and 5 months old ,they currently calm but who knows!
Been trying to bond my two boys the last few days , story so far had them out on neutral ground , they shared veg and hid together then they started what looked like scrapping but I couldnt see , could just hear squeaking and a scratting about , so I put them back in there cages.
Today I had,them outside together , with periods of them exploring then face mounting each other nose to nose nudging quite strong , chasing each other , bum nipping etc , occasionally they would stop then it started again .
I totally did a whole cages clean , clean everything ,rearanged it added bits then I gave them both a bath ( been a busy day lol ,five kids as well I must be crazy!)
So now they are smelling gorgeous , with a nice clean cage , put them in together and they have been pop corning around ,lovely to see , but also chasing each other , pop corning in a circle but almost chasing each other bums but kind of frantically ! The nose to nose thing occasionally lots of noise , they don't look like best of friends yet , but there is only the to be expected behaviour , some mounting been going on for about 2 hours.
Just checked them now and they are still chasing , eating a bit of hay now and then the noise is kind of chirpy chattering with the odd low rumble , they still keep facing up to each other then off they go.
Do I leave them in tonight or separate ,going to bed in an hour.

Hi! Please be aware that each time you separate boars during a bonding, they have to start the whole process right from the start. Once you have committed, you have to ride the tiger. Make sure that you only have hideys with two exits in the cage until the end of the dominance period, which will take several days to two weeks. It sounds like normal dominance dynamics to me, so I would not worry too much and just let them get on with it. Any mild to medium dominance behaviour you have to tolerate.
Here is more information: Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Thank you both , I will be scared to go in in the morning , but it had to be tried , they do both seem happier despite the antics , there are two hide always both with two exits ,two hays , food bowls etc , fingers crossed all goes well!
Going to check on them :D
well they were in different hidies , the younger one is still bothering the other , I have heard like low owl hooting! There was a sneeze like noise and a bit of chattering , this okay ?
When I left them they are in there own houses .
The sneezing may well be just that - sneezing. As long as you're not hearing either of them sneeze more than a few times a day it's fine, and I wouldn't worry about the chattering either - it may not be a full-on fight, they could have been arguing over food or the likes. If they seem to be quite happy in their own houses and neither is actively going into the other ones' house to annoy/attack it I would reckon just leave them to get on with it.
Well , I stayed up until midnight and the chase was still on , one head mounting the other , they then went back in to there hidies, I was up at 1 with my twin girls and all was quite , wake at 5 with the twins again ! I could here them running around , been in this morning doing the veggies and they were both hiding .
They came out for food , and there was a bit of I want what you have going on but , they are both eating away . I have checked them for wounds , nothing , can I relax a bit now or could it go down hill?
i dont have much experience but from the little i have it sounds like its going ok for early days.
ive now got 4 sows, initially started with two and added one more at a time a year apart. the two that i initially got have never actually got on very well, wheras they accepted the other two in fine. i have found my sows much easier to mix than when i previously had boars but from reading these threads that appears to be normal. something i have noticed is that my boars used to cuddle up together wheras my sows have never done this (not when I'm watching anyway.) i assume its just individal characters rather than a sex thing?
i hope they continue to bond and all goes well! i love watching new pigs eat together-so cute!
Thank you
They are hiding together now it seems to have calmed down , they are still followinvg each other around , nose in the backside lol
The cage was spotless last night it looks like hurricane has been through it this morning , poop every where , hay all over the place , must have been some party last night!:woot:
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