Should I just leave them to it or seperate...again?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Well the piggies have been together again since Monday afternoon and have been getting along fine, but just now Pepper was laying in the hay asleep, Beauty came along and they started chasing eachother, loads of rumbling etc....I always thought Pepper was boss but I guess that's not true (well, this itme atleast)...

So should I just leave them to it or seperate them again? I want them to be together but if they're gunna get hurt then I'll seperate them again....

Any ideas on what to do is great thanks

kellyandpiggies♥ said:
Are they always like that now? Teeth chattering too?

Nope not always - it usuallly happens when one is eating, the other comes up and decides he wants that and the teeth chattering's not proper fighting, and it doesn't happen all the time, just little you think I should just leave them? I've been sat here for about 40 minutes now and they've both been popcorning together, wheeking and munching on stuff together so I think they're okay for the time
Timmy and Lennie do that occasionally, then make up and are the best of friends again ;D They have a tug of war over the peppers usually!
Any ideas what the really loud wheeking means? They're usually soo quiet, but sometimes when Beauty goes up to Pepper chattering his teeth Pepper makes really loud wheeks, is it pain, scared, or just that he's silly? :P
it's a dominance thing. They're trying to settle who's boss. I'd leave them but keep an eye out for if they actually fight. Moo and Patch are like that sometimes.
Jane said:
Any ideas what the really loud wheeking means? They're usually soo quiet, but sometimes when Beauty goes up to Pepper chattering his teeth Pepper makes really loud wheeks, is it pain, scared, or just that he's silly? :P
he's telling him to bog off!
Jayms_fallen_angel said:
it's a dominance thing. They're trying to settle who's boss. I'd leave them but keep an eye out for if they actually fight. Moo and Patch are like that sometimes.

I know it is - what I was trying to say is they've had to be seperated before so I was just wondering if it was too much.

Kelly - lol :P so he's not being hurt then?
my males fight alot and chatter but deep down are ok together, i would only split them if they draw blood.

i had 3 lads together and one of them nearly lost it's ear this week ,so he is now on his own, did try to return him to the cage but the fighting started again, so he won't be re joining the other 2 lads now :( he now needs a new friend.

boys will fight but if they don't do any real damage i would leave them together and just watch them.
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