New Born Pup
Hello everyone, I'm a fairly new GP owner and I have a question about my two boars I have tried to introduce. First of all, I have had my pig 'Cheesy' (haha, my daughter named him) since October and he is now about 9 months old. We recently got another pig from a shelter, named Leroy who is about 2 years old. He had been quarantined for 2 weeks and I decided to try to introduce the two pigs yesterday. I bought a brand new fleece and brand new play pen to put them in so that there was definitely no scent from either pig. I put them in together with plenty of hay and they behaved normally from what I've read. Plenty of chasing, some teeth chattering, some rumblestrutting, etc. They nipped at each other a few times, but didn't fight. I left them in there for about 3 hours and by that time they were just munching on hay and ignoring each other. So I completely cleaned out the cage they are going to live in, I had just Cheesy in there before (it's 2ft x 6ft). I set up the cage with two of everything, two hides/water bottles/hay bins, etc. And transferred the pigs to the new set up. They of course had to do the dominance routine again, but this time I noticed Leroy was being more aggressive toward Cheesy. It started with excessive teeth chattering and chasing, then Leroy bullied Cheesy out of his evening carrot (Leroy is a faster eater and had already finished his). Then I saw Leroy trying to keep Cheesy away from the hay and water bottles, even though there are 2 of each. Now this morning Leroy bullied Cheesy out of his bell pepper and was doing the same thing with the hay. The two got into a bit more serious scuffle this morning, but no blood drawn. Leroy has also chased Cheesy out of his igloo. Cheesy has been submissive, but Leroy won't stop chasing him and chattering his teeth. Cheesy was just sitting in a corner looking depressed for awhile while Leroy ate hay. It didn't appear that Cheesy was eating or drinking, so I just decided to put a divider panel in the cage to separate them. Cheesy is looking a bit more lively now and has eaten a bit. Leroy digs at the divider aggressively while rumbling and chattering.
Is this normal? Or is Leroy being a giant bully? They have only been together for 24 hours but I'm thinking they are not compatible. Luckily, I got Leroy from a shelter (with a no-kill policy) which would take him back and let me try a new match (I chose Leroy in the first place because I was told he had been submissive to other pigs). Would you throw in the towel here, or keep trying? If not, would you try a different match for Cheesy? I don't want him to be lonely. Thanks for reading!
Is this normal? Or is Leroy being a giant bully? They have only been together for 24 hours but I'm thinking they are not compatible. Luckily, I got Leroy from a shelter (with a no-kill policy) which would take him back and let me try a new match (I chose Leroy in the first place because I was told he had been submissive to other pigs). Would you throw in the towel here, or keep trying? If not, would you try a different match for Cheesy? I don't want him to be lonely. Thanks for reading!