Teenage Guinea Pig
On Tues we adopted a ten week old baby from a lady who has a small rescue. We adopted her because we didn't like to see Bonnie (who is almost six) on her own. She's a quiet gentle girl and we thought she would enjoy having a young piggy around her. We were wrong! She is horrible to her and although the teeth chattering has stopped she pecks her away at any opportunity. I know this is what they do (I did have a herd of four and experienced the pecking) but I feel so sorry for this sweet baby. She is a placid Peruvian and cries like a baby when Bonnie has pecked her-it breaks my heart. Bonnie ignores her in general but I feel the baby (can't bear to name her yet) is afraid to come out of her hidey house. I have separated the cage at night and I can see how relieved the baby is when I do. She's suddenly more relaxed and comes out to munch hay. I did this for Bonnie but now I'm wondering whether she's best off on her own for however long she's here for.