Neutering him is not going to make any difference to behaviour I'm afraid - it doesnt calm them down like it does in other species. All neutering does is prevent pregnancy (which obviously isn’t a current risk factor).
Chattering and other dominance behaviours such as rumbling and chasing are totally normal. You don’t need to do anything to stop it, nor should you.
You are dealing with two teenagers with Charlie really starting to hit high hormones.
If they are having actual fights and injuring each other or if the bond is confirmed dysfunctional without fights yet occurring, then sadly that means their bond is not salvageable and they unfortunately should be immediately separated.
The guide below explains further but we are happy to help you with any further advice if you need it
1 Causes for bonds to fall apart
2 Bonds in Crisis
- What are the signs of a dysfunctional bond?
- Bullying
- How can I test whether a bond is no longer working?
3 Failed bonds and what next?
- What to do if my piggies have had a major fight?
- When rebonding doesn't work out
1 Causes for bonds to fall apart
Every fall-out has of course its own...
1 The hormonal teenage months
- What are the most difficult times?
- What are your boars' chances of making it together?
- What can help to boost your boys' chances?
- What does NOT work?
2 Fighting, bullying and when to separate
- What are the signs of a dysfunctional bond?
- How can I test whether a bond is no longer working?
- What to do if your boars had a bloody fight?
3 Life after...