Should I Get Her A New Friend/s?

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New Born Pup
Nov 16, 2015
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Norwich, UK
I had a group of 4 female guinea pigs for a few years, but over the last couple of months I have lost 3 of the 4 due to old age. The one I have left (Blanche), has been on her own for a week now. I always said I would try and continue the group when numbers decreased, but as the second went just before I had a weeks holiday, and the third just after I came back (is it weird that I think she was waiting for me to come home, so that Blanche wouldn't be on her own?), I haven't had the chance.
Blanche was always the most timid of the 4, the last to the fresh food, the one seemingly on her own the most, and I wonder whether she is happy or not now she is the only one left. She is eating fine (demolished a broccoli head yesterday), eating her nuggets, and drinking too. I just don't know what to do for the best - leave her as she is as she always seemed to prefer her own space, or get her a new friend or 2, in the hope it may give her a lift, but on the flip side it might upset her. She is about coming up for 5. Help greatly appreciated!
I had a group of 4 female guinea pigs for a few years, but over the last couple of months I have lost 3 of the 4 due to old age. The one I have left (Blanche), has been on her own for a week now. I always said I would try and continue the group when numbers decreased, but as the second went just before I had a weeks holiday, and the third just after I came back (is it weird that I think she was waiting for me to come home, so that Blanche wouldn't be on her own?), I haven't had the chance.
Blanche was always the most timid of the 4, the last to the fresh food, the one seemingly on her own the most, and I wonder whether she is happy or not now she is the only one left. She is eating fine (demolished a broccoli head yesterday), eating her nuggets, and drinking too. I just don't know what to do for the best - leave her as she is as she always seemed to prefer her own space, or get her a new friend or 2, in the hope it may give her a lift, but on the flip side it might upset her. She is about coming up for 5. Help greatly appreciated!

Hi and welcome!

The best way of finding a suitable companion or more is by dating Blanche at a good rescue that offers this service. However, this option depends very much on your local options. It would be very helpful by adding your country, state/province or UK county to your details to enable us to help you find the best place or alternative solution. We have got members from all over the world. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!

I am very sorry for your losses in such aquick success; it can really whack you around! :( You are welcome to post a tribute to Blanche's friends in our Rainbow Bridge section if and whenever it feels right for you.
Thanks for replying so fast! I'm near Norwich, UK. I think I will do that and post in Rainbow Bridge soon. Thanks again :)
Thanks for replying so fast! I'm near Norwich, UK. I think I will do that and post in Rainbow Bridge soon. Thanks again :)

Sadly, there are no rescues that we can recommend as to their piggy savviness and/or good standards in the whole of East Anglia. It is one of largest blancs in the UK, as far as we are concerned. :(

If you could make it a day out with Blanche to Wood Green by Godmanchester just off the A14, you would have the support of a larger rescue with a very knowledgeable guinea pig section to help you create a new group of whatever size you want to around Blanche that she has a say in.
Age is much less important than mutual liking when it comes to bonding adult guinea pigs. I have successful bonded my latest 3 year old "husboar" (who hails from a rescue near Newcastle-upon-Tyne) first to my frail 7 year old Ffraid and after her death to a 6 weeks old rescue born baby girl from Stoke-on-Trent who he is very happy with...
You could also consider looking at introducing a neutered boar, whether as a single companion or with a group of sows. I have currently 4 "husboars" living with a varying number of sows of all ages.Cross gender bonds are the most stable once initial aceptance has happened, and in a group of sows, "husboars" often act as the glue, as they have to get on with all sows in order to mate.

Iit is really worth the extra effort when creating a new group to amke sure that it is going to work out. By going to one of our recommended rescues you can be reassured that all guinea pigs put up for adoption are healthy, guaranteed not pregnant and have their personalities and quirks known by the staff, not to mention the opportunity to stage the initial bonding under expert supervision to make sure that you only come home with guinea pigs where acceptance has happened and that get on. You will also have the rescue to fall back on for the whole life of their piggies if there are issues at some stage, not just support during the settling in stage.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator

We have got various behaviour and introductions guides at the top of our behaviour section to help you through the dominance phase in which piggies settle the hierarchy, but you are always welcome to ask any questions you may have at any stage.
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I think it also depends on whether you want more piggies in the future as well. If you want to continue to own pigs, introducing a new friend may be the best thing for her. But if you are looking on phasing our pig ownership, you may just want to make Blanche as happy as possible under the circumstances. I don't think age is a factor in accepting a new friend... we bonded Sundae (almost 5 at the time) with Hadley (about 12 weeks at the time) without much problem. Sundae was also the bottom pig on the totem pole, but in her case she was very anxious once her companion died, and as we wanted to keep on owing pigs it became apparent that having a friend was the best thing for all of us. If you can rescue date that would be great... it's an option I wish was available where I live!
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