Should I get another piggy?


New Born Pup
Jul 30, 2020
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My neutered male piggy, Chandler, has been through a lot of trauma recently. If you’ve watched the sitcom Friends, you know that there’s 6 main characters (Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Monica and Joey).

It’s been a year since I adopted my two boys and with myself loving the show, I named them Joey and Chandler. As they grew older, I noticed them fighting more. And decided to seek advice from my vet. We decided that to try and keep both my boys together we should neuter them. However, sadly, the morning after the operation, Joey passed away in my arms. Chandler didn’t eat or drink and with the trauma, I found comfort in just watching him breathe. He went to the vet half a dozen times and he was getting fed critical care every 2 hours and I was having to syringe him water alongside this. He went into a depression. He stayed in what was Joey’s house/shelter as if he was waiting for him to come back. I had Chandler on my lap all the time as he seemed to happier with me than on his own.

We managed to get a female, now named Phoebe, and he couldn’t be happier. Although, Chandler does like to boss Phoebe around. We are looking to get a bigger cage for them in the next couple of months to increase their happiness. After Joey, I am constantly scared that I’m not doing enough for them even though my family members have reassured me that my piggies are spoilt rotten!

Chandler isn’t hurting her or bossing her physically, but he is warning her off, especially if I show Phoebe attention (I do even it out, however Chandler would prefer it if I didn’t give her any attention at all!). I am wondering if getting another female after we receive the bigger cage would be helpful to both of them. Chandler is very dominant but I can’t help but think Phoebe might gain a bit more confidence at home if there was another piggy to play with.

If you could possibly give me advice on how to deal with the passing of Joey that would be great as I am finding it very hard to cope with, thank you x

(Chandler is now eating and drinking like normal and popcorning around like he usually does)
I am sorry for your loss.

Most importantly - is your Male six weeks post neuter? If he was neutered less than six weeks ago then he should not be with a female as he still has the ability to get a female pregnant. They aren’t safe and infertile until six weeks post op.

You can keep any number of sows with a neutered boar so as long as your space allows then you can try to bond more sows in. However, as it all comes down go character compatibility, whether they accept a newcomer into their bond is entirely down to them.
If you want to add more piggies and have the space, then the best way is to take them dating at a rescue centre so they can find their own new friend. This ensures compatibility and a successful bond. If you just go and buy a piggy and attempt a bonding, then you will have to have a plan b for the new piggy with a separate cage and a new friend for her in case your current pair don’t want a new comer.

A boar/sow pair need a cage a minimum of 120cm x 60cm but 150cm x 60cm is better.
For each new piggy you need to add another 30cm x 60cm, so for three piggies you’d be looking at ideally 180cm x 60cm cage

For information, if two Male piggies don’t get on, then neutering them won’t change that. If they were fighting then their bond had broken, neutering would not have made them like each other as neutering only stops pregnancies.
The cage we are looking to get is twice the size of their current cage. The cage we are buying is 240cm x 100cm and they have a playpen that use every day! The way that they were fighting seemed hormonal as if they were trying to find a female companion. We can only learn from experience and if i could go back, I would’ve separated them and looked into getting them a new buddy each. Thank you about the dating advice, I will definitely look into that! Chandler is nine weeks post op and Chandler and Phoebe have been together for two weeks now.
I’m so sorry for your loss.

I think getting them another friend would be great. But make sure to rescue, as pet stores sometimes give you sick/pregnant/wrong sexed piggies, and it would be great to give an abandoned piggy a good life with some new friends. They’ll be lucky with the cage you’re getting. All the best :)
I think if I was in this position with such a big new cage coming, I would consider adding a pair of new female piggies rather than just one- a group of 4 can help avoid an outsider situation that could happen with 3 if for example Chandler takes a shine to the new girl and Phoebe gets left out... maybe you should look out for Monica and Rachel?
But as everyone says, character compatibility is what matters, there are no guarantees with any size of group that the personalities will work together- so rescue dating is a good idea. You will probably find that many rescues dont have lone females anyway, they usually have bonded pairs... best of luck! X