Should I continue with sow/boar bonding attempt?


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2024
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Hi all, this is my first time posting but I've appreciated the advice on this forum for a while now, particularly the bonding and behaviour guides; now I'd like to ask for some advice on a specific situation that I can't see covered. I'm attempting to bond my bereaved girl Gloria (2yrs 9mths) with rescue boy Bobby (1yr 9mths) and we're just at the end of week one. Bobby has recently been neutered and has another 3 weeks to go to be fully clear, so he and Gloria are currently living side-by-side in separate cages, with separate floor time in the same room. Gloria isn't showing much interest and is hiding away more than usual, while Bobby is very active and seems desperate for her attention. He's constantly jumping up to a shelter roof where he can be next to her and running around her cage during his floor time. Meanwhile she's just going about her routine, perhaps going up onto her shelter roof once a day and briefly sitting next to him while he rumblestruts and chatters away. I'd say she doesn't seem frightened by him, as she will rub noses through the bars if she happens to be nearby, but she doesn't seem to respond to his communication or seek him out at all. I'm worried that the bond won't work when they are allowed to be together, either because she's not interested or is irritated by his attentions. I'm also concerned that his needs are not being met as he obviously wants more interaction than he's getting. Both pigs are eating and drinking OK and wheeking for treats, so I'm not thinking Gloria might be unwell. Should I let the process run and see what happens when they can actually be together, or call time now and let them find more suitable companions? I've never had to return a rescue before and my heart would break as Bobby is such a lovely boy, but I don't want either of them to be unhappy.
Welcome to the forum

The behaviour between the bars is not indicative of how things will go when they meet.
If he is newly neutered and not used to sows then he is going to be over the top with the way he is reacting.
His interaction needs absolutely are being met right now - side by side interaction is sufficient. A lot of interaction is via scent and body language, things which we can’t pick up him.

She sounds to be quite happy to have him next to her. She is only going to be very interested in him when she is in season, and prepared to let him mount her. Otherwise it is only a submission sow who will allow mounting at any other time.

All you can now is wait until you can actually bond them and see how it goes. You certainly cannot say they aren’t suitable companions at this point - there is simply nothing to call time on!

Let us know how things go when you do bond them
Thankyou so much for your quick and helpful reply. It's the first time I've attempted a mixed gender bond so it's reassuring to know this is all normal. The 6 week post-neutering wait feels really tough, but of course it's essential and at least they both have some company during this time and can start getting to know each other. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the bond goes OK and will hopefully be able to post a picture of them happily eating together!
Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck with the bonding. I hope they like each other and want to live together 🤞🏻
Welcome to the forum. They are both gorgeous. I have a pair of separated boars that I hope to get to the plum fairy at some point. I'm slowly working on hubby until he has the idea that it would be great for them to have a wife each as we have the space.
Honestly, this sounds exactly like the situation in my living room right now except it's two boars as neighbours, with a bonding session planned soon. The younger boar sounds like your boar and the older one's behaviour is exactly like Gloria's.

All that to say, it wouldn't worry me and I wouldn't let it worry you. It doesn't sound like it's going badly even just through the bars. You won't know for definite til the bonding session starts, and neither will I, but so far, so good.

And Bobby's a beauty :wub: