Should I buy this hutch! big enough?

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Space wise yes it is big enough for two boars and its even better that it has several different compartments so they can get out of eachothers way if needed. HOWEVER the underneath run part isnt ideal when the ground is wet or cold and so the boys would be confined to the upper level which on its own isnt big enough unfortunalty. You would be better looking for a double hutch with two tiers as large as you can buy and have a seperate run set up for exercise when appropriate.
It looks good, but in poor weather (if being placed outside) it's really not going to be good for them, there's relatively little shelter from the elements, and when not using the lower run, it becomes very small indeed..

in a garage or shed however, with a floor covering in the lower part, it would probably be okay.
From what I've seen of the hutch you have now, it looks much bigger than this one and a good size for 2 boars.
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To be honest, I don't like it and think as your pig is an outdoor pig, your current hutch is better for two boars.

What happened to your shed idea?
my sister and my parents say that a shed is too big for a guinea pig and the hutch is fine! my sister told me to f up and not to be stupid :( but my mom said that we could maybe
Bearing in mind this is on Ebay so will most likely go for £80 + as it is an unusual shape.
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