Should I Be This Nervous?!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2015
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So I've been getting everything all set up and ready for hopefully a pair of rescue piggies. Just waiting to hear back from my local rescue centre to do their questionnaire/check that I'm suitable and for a home visit etc. Should I be feeling this darn nervous??!! What if they don't like me/my setup? Did anyone else feel like this? Arghhhh! Ha ha!
if they dont like set up they should just give you pointers on things to change, then once theyre satisfied all should be ok.
am sure will be fine though and worrying for nothing :)
Okee doke. Think it's the feeling of being judged! I know it'll be worth it though, hopefully.
I think if you are so nervous about doing a good job that you are probably a very good potential owner because you obviously care so much. Try not to worry- but I understand that that the anticipation is killer! Good Luck :) ( even though you don't need it! <3 )
Hi, l would not worry, the fact that you are talking to us shows that you care , perhaps show them this thread :hug::hug:
The rescue visit purpose is not to count you out of piggie ownership but to give you the advice and support you need to provide the piggies with the environment, care and love which they deserve and need. Don't feel judged, feel more like it is an opportunity to learn.
Worrying is normal :) They aren't trying to catch you out but when piggies come into a rescue they have had a lot of rejection and upheaval even if they were given up by owners that cared for them well. They just want to check that you are the 5-star home they are looking for and I am sure you will be.

The fact you have come on here and asked questions is a great start and as long as you have made sure your cage matches their minimum requirements or is even bigger then you should be fine. I think from rescues I know , that's the biggest pitfall when people just go out an buy a cage without checking minimum sizes and then it turns out to be too small to be passed off. A good rescue will give you advice though and help you change anything that need sit.

Good luck - not that you'll need it ! :D
Hello. Please don't be nervous. Home checkers appreciate complete honesty, willingness to do research, caring environment( not necessarily spotlessly clean and tidy) and being yourself. :)
Whoop whoop, got through the first part of adoption! Had a chat on the phone with the adoption coordinator at Wheek and Sqeak GP Rescue yesterday. We ticked the boxes on their questionnaire and they're happy with my cage set up (Ferplast 120) so my details have been passed on to the centre yay! That's the first bit done. I've now just got to wait for a home visit then fingers crossed we'll be off to have a look. Not sure how I only choose 2, hope it's not too heart breaking. Set up my cage yesterday, looks sooo empty ha ha! Hopefully the bedding will arrive tomorrow (finacard) so it'll all be ready for the home visit. Starting to get excited! :yahoo:
:tu:Good luck on your home visit, hopefully the hardest part of the process will be the choosing of your new furball housemates! i expect they will have bonded pairs of piggies & you get to choose the pair that fit in with your situation & you like the best... i did this when i needed a new companion for my bereaved piggy Grace.... i went to get one new girly & came home with two ....couldn't decide.. oops! (Although i have no rescues near me & it was someone i know who had too many piggies & wanted to downsize).

You'll probably find that there will be a pair that you just instantly "click" with :love:
are you hoping for boys, girls or a mix of the two?

oh & i think a flood of piggy photos when you get them is a requirement of this forums membership :whistle::lol!:
i'm getting nervous & excited for you too:clap:

Hopefully we'll just know them when we see them....gonna take my girlie along to help I think! We're after a pair of females, not too old so I guess that'll reduce the numbers. Also don't want the super hairy ones. But knowing me I'll end up with some hairy boys ha ha! :P
Will deffo be lots of pics when we finally get them. You're all gonna be soooo fed up of me!! Glad I've got somewhere to share my obsession!
Dont worry I think we're all obsessed with piggies too :nod:
We never tire of pigtures :luv:

Yeayy I have always had girls too. Seems to be a personal preference thing though. Both sexes have pro's &con's. Xx
Still waiting to hear back from the rescue about a home visit :soz: I have everything set up now, except for the actual piggies! I've got invisapigs! :P Beginning to wonder if maybe they're not happy? I really wanted to get rescue ones but not sure it's gonna work out now.
Patience ! You may find the rescue have had some emergency rescue cases to deal with first. Happened with me and had to rearrange the pick up time.
Still waiting to hear back from the rescue about a home visit :soz: I have everything set up now, except for the actual piggies! I've got invisapigs! :P Beginning to wonder if maybe they're not happy? I really wanted to get rescue ones but not sure it's gonna work out now.

Try not to stress. Enjoy the invisapigs for a while :)) I like that phrase :)

Rescues are massively busy and are run by volunteers, it is not a reflection on you just a measure on how busy they are. Often takes a month in my experience of rescuing to get contact etc....

All will be fine.

You are going to be a great piggy slave
How exciting, I am glad everything has gone well so far....

Like the others say most rescues are run from people's homes by volunteers so they have ill piggies, emergency rescues as well as work, families and more to deal with so don't panic if they take a while to get back to you. If they think you are a good home, they won't have forgotten about you!

My piggies always seem to have picked us... It wasn't always what we thought we would come home with but they have been the most wonderful characters and I wouldn't change them for the world. Remember appearance and age isn't everything so have a cuddle of everybody and see who clicks :)
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