Should I Attempt To Re-introduce?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
South East England
I've had my boys seperated for nearly 2 months after a big fight which caused an abscess for Badger and a cut on Boris!

I had to split their C&C so they've been able to interact with each other the entire time and the relationship has definitely improved from the initial seperation. They now sleep against the seperator (so essentially next to each other) and chat to each other, and today i've seen them licking each others noses through the seperating cubes.

Obviously, the licking pulled at my heartstrings big time! So now I'm contemplating attempting to re-introduce them, what are your thoughts? Is this wise?

Thanks for any help :D
I would not get my hopes up too much and take it very slowly. Generally, most boars will never fully go back together after a serious fight with severe bites.

Let them have shared run time in a neutral space with no hideys and preferably a piggy sized humping toy, but be prepared that things can be very different once they can interact fully and dominance behaviour comes into play.

Some separated boars can be quite happily together during run time and on the lawn once they are out of the big hormones while still needing their own cage; a very few will go back together fully as adults. Others will be best friends through the bars, but can't be left together under any circumstances.

You just have to give it a try and see which category yours are falling into. Make sure that you have a towel and oven gloves at the ready to protect your hands from damaging bites.
I'm going to give it more thought, and then maybe try them together for floor time :) Thank you for the help :)
I would agree with Wiebke, go carefully but it is very possible that your guys are just better buddies apart than together. Very it's often the case of 'can't live with them, can't live without them' with boars.... close but not too close!

It's not good to get into a situation again where there is significant injury so go slowly and keep a very careful watch.
Well I had them out together on my kitchen table today and they were just fine, Badger was all over Boris (Badger is very social and Boris prefers to be by himself most of the time), they were sharing some food and cuddling up. They were like this for quite some time so I thought to try them together in the cage (removing the seperator) and it just descended into chattering, squeaking and chasing pretty quickly, so unfortunately the seperator is back and the boys are still being diva's :no:
@LydiaMinx Hi, was just reading your thread...i know its old but could you tell me, did they ever get to live together again in harmony :-)? I'm just wondering/intrigued as i'm in the situation myself so want to know if there's hope. Thanks x
I've not tried since this attempt because I just don't think it's going to happen sadly! They're very happy living next to each other, they talk and will sleep next to each other but they just aren't willing to share space. I found the bonding baths worked but as soon as they were back in the cage it was back to aggressive behaviour but I know other owners have had luck re-introducing so don't lose hope! Worst case scenario they can live side by side like mine :)
Thanks, yes I think ill be doing the same as you soon. I let them have a run around together in the garage earlier and they were bum sniffing and following each other to start with and then the teeth chattering and stressful behaviour started so i seperated them before their big fist up got chance to start!. Ill try a few times more but not keeping my hopes up! Think ill be getting a C&C cage very soon with a divider down the middle, i think this will be for the best. I've also just bought two matching outside runs which sit side by side.
The C&C will be invaluable if you do have to keep them seperated, mine have a 2x3 each (would love it bigger but currently no room!) and the base is a whole base (if you get what i mean) so the divider or base doesn't obstruct any of their view of each other, which they seem to appreciate :)

If you have the space and the money you could also neuter them and have them paired with females, I personally wasn't comfortable with that hence the prolonged seperation :) I hope it works out for you though, it's a shame when the bond can't be fixed enough for them to live together :(
Ooh that cage sounds perfect. Only problem I have is when my pigs are side by side one of the them bites the bars constantly but i'm sure when they are next to each other permanently he will get bored of this. Thanks for your advice and ill keep you updated on my progress! x
In an ideal world i would definatley get them both neutured and would get them paired with females, however I cant really afford this option at the mo, plus dont think the bf would let me get any more pigs. They have already taken over his entire garage lol! Thanks again
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