Shopping Channels

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2013
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I don't know why... But always end up flicking through the shopping channels... I wonder if they know you can probably get half the stuff on Amazon for half the price...

Watched one about bras (even though it's easy to get measured up properly)
Jeans and make up...

I find it hard to believe those things are as good as they make out!
They show off their products to look better than they are! I stay clear of those channels, they annoy me. Much easier going on amazon and you can buy the product if you want it not, so you don't have some woman screaming in your face! Lol.
Oh Insanity now, I know someone who did that and gave himself a hernia

Bloke said he's not afraid to take his shirt traumatised me when he took his shirt off ewwww
When I'm having a bout of insomnia, I can't help but watch shopping channels for hours on end. They're so...hypnotic! :eek:
They do send me to sleep eventually...especially the kitchen appliance ones!
When I'm having a bout of insomnia, I can't help but watch shopping channels for hours on end. They're so...hypnotic! :eek:
They do send me to sleep eventually...especially the kitchen appliance ones!

Omg those ones are the worst! The bra ones annoy the hell out of me!
When I'm having a bout of insomnia, I can't help but watch shopping channels for hours on end. They're so...hypnotic! :eek:
They do send me to sleep eventually...especially the kitchen appliance ones!
I agree! But when they keep flickering jewellery at you time after time, that gets annoys too!
I like trying to spot when they hate what they're trying to sell enthusiastically :))
"So... we've got a reeeaaally exciting... beautiful... diamond encrusted gold signet ring... great for - uh - parties!" *cringe cringe*

It's the side-to-side wiggling action that makes me irrationally angry too :roll:
The JML bras, body suits etc

They'll hide all that embarrassing back fat, muffin tops. No more wires, Ill-fitting clothing
JML so good at making woman feel bad for their lumps and bumps!

The make up adverts too... was almost tempted to buy the miracle dust stuff then found it in Downtown and Amazon :P

Use to be a avid watcher of bid up TV too
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