Shoes Are Yum!


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
No idea why, but Sprout has to come over and nibble my shoes whenever the piggies are out for play time. Chutney wasn't interested before, but hey, if Sprout's doing it, then they must be tasty, right?


Oh, they are! The way they eat blueberries is hilarious sometimes.

Christian heard somebody mention blueberries and he has told the other 4! Oh no I have a riot on my hands! :help: I now have 5 piggies demanding blueberries and I have none! I'm going to be reported to the Guinea Pig Union and the Cavy Slaves Council! I promise to get some tomorrow. They didn't have any in Sainsbury's this morning - honest! I did(n't) forget to get them.:oops:Somehow I don't think my shoes will be as tasty!
Christian heard somebody mention blueberries and he has told the other 4! Oh no I have a riot on my hands! :help: I now have 5 piggies demanding blueberries and I have none! I'm going to be reported to the Guinea Pig Union and the Cavy Slaves Council! I promise to get some tomorrow. They didn't have any in Sainsbury's this morning - honest! I did(n't) forget to get them.:oops:Somehow I don't think my shoes will be as tasty!

:lol!: Tut, tut! Well, wasn’t me who mentioned blueberries...must’ve been one of my boys.

So cute and funny! Then again, I've never eaten your shoes. Maybe they truly are delicious and I'm missing out.

Eh, I’ve never eaten my shoes either. So who knows...