She's Just Sleeping?

Rochester Piggy

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
Rochester, Washington, USA
We are in the pickup now headed to another campground where we will camp for 2 days. I'm sitting in the backseat to comfort Cali and my boyfriend is driving. We took off about 1 hr 20 minutes ago, and Cali hasn't done anything except sleep. When we stopped to drain the RV tanks, she ate a little bit of hay, but has since been sound asleep. Is this normal for a piggy to just sleep in the car? She did wake up a little bit ago, groomed herself, and changed positions.

long ago I took a long journey by car with my pig (8 hours) and he spent the time eating hay, dandelions and resting; on the contrary when I brought home my young Calipso and Calliope (by car+train+car) they spent the hours hidden under the hay and maybe they ate their vegs. They were not tired at all when we reached home... and I did not touch them during the train journey as the rescue had recommended.
Anyway I really don't know what is normal and what is not... Be only sure that air conditioning is on, that is important.
Car journeys always send me to sleep! I guess she has only a choice between eating and napping whilst on the journey. As Rome_Italy says make sure it isn't too hot, but I wouldn't worry :-)
It's just the right temperature here. We stopped and had lunch, and I gave her some veg, which she gobbled up! We are currently about 35 minutes away, and we'll be there right at veggie time!
Awww looks like she's just chilling out, better for her to be relaxed while in the car than stressing out. Hope you're having a good time camping :)
long ago I took a long journey by car with my pig (8 hours) and he spent the time eating hay, dandelions and resting; on the contrary when I brought home my young Calipso and Calliope (by car+train+car) they spent the hours hidden under the hay and maybe they ate their vegs. They were not tired at all when we reached home... and I did not touch them during the train journey as the rescue had recommended.
Anyway I really don't know what is normal and what is not... Be only sure that air conditioning is on, that is important.

A few years ago we went on a holiday to self catering place. The drive was at least 8 hours both ways, 4 of us in the car plus archie and bikbok (my cockatiel), it was 30C+, air conditioning did not work and there was awful traffic jams both ways with hideous car fumes. I am not sure how any of us were still alive after that.
A few years ago we went on a holiday to self catering place. The drive was at least 8 hours both ways, 4 of us in the car plus archie and bikbok (my cockatiel), it was 30C+, air conditioning did not work and there was awful traffic jams both ways with hideous car fumes. I am not sure how any of us were still alive after that.
well, I tell you an adventure I had long ago at the border Austria-Italy, on a motorway, coming back to Italy. It was the day when usually holidays for workers end and the queue was terrible! We stayed there, still, engine off, under the sun! Policemen offered bottles of water. 4 hours for driving 30km! Me, my husband and two daughters 2months and 4 years old. The 4 years old still used diapers (for an urinary issue then solved with a surgery) and I needed to go to the toilet! therefore I had one of my brilliant ideas, the best one in all my life: I waited for the right moment and... I took one of my daughter's diaper and I put it between my legs! and... I started my wee smiling...............:D
afterwards I realised that most of the wee ended up on the seat and my trousers were wet! I made a mess!:mal: My husband started swearing and then I reminded of one of my penpals who was living just in Bolzano, a city few km from that tragic motorway! I called her and I went to her home for changing my clothes,12 years after of our last meeting. My friend is still laughing, I guess... she said "you have not changed since we were children, I see":))
well, I tell you an adventure I had long ago at the border Austria-Italy, on a motorway, coming back to Italy. It was the day when usually holidays for workers end and the queue was terrible! We stayed there, still, engine off, under the sun! Policemen offered bottles of water. 4 hours for driving 30km! Me, my husband and two daughters 2months and 4 years old. The 4 years old still used diapers (for an urinary issue then solved with a surgery) and I needed to go to the toilet! therefore I had one of my brilliant ideas, the best one in all my life: I waited for the right moment and... I took one of my daughter's diaper and I put it between my legs! and... I started my wee smiling...............:D
afterwards I realised that most of the wee ended up on the seat and my trousers were wet! I made a mess!:mal: My husband started swearing and then I reminded of one of my penpals who was living just in Bolzano, a city few km from that tragic motorway! I called her and I went to her home for changing my clothes,12 years after of our last meeting. My friend is still laughing, I guess... she said "you have not changed since we were children, I see":))

:lol!: but what an awful traffic delay!