Shes grunting!

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Sep 29, 2008
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Australia, Victoria. (originally from Essex, UK)
ahhh Mandy has started making a weird noise! she is like grunting weirdly? not a normal g'pig noise but its like a strange sort of weird grunt, I'm really worried! she seems fine, active bright and alert and eating. i got them out to have a run in my bedroom and she seemed normal. but now as I'm typing she seems restless and is making the weird noise! it kind of sounds like a rabbit when there angry?
:...:{ hellpp!
its funny you should say that last night had basil out on lap and my daughter had progam on trapped and when this woman did this vile laugh basil grunted unless he thought it was a threatening noise sorry can not answer your question:(
They do some kind of short, very low rumble/grunt if they don't like a sudden sharp noise. Could that be it?
hmm maybe but no it seemed to go on quite sometime! it was more of a weird low grumble which i have never heard in 4 years of having piggies!
well she is not doing it today! so hopefully it was nothing to worry about maybe it was just something unsettled her and she couldn't calm down ?/..even though she was calm lol :))
thanks x
Not so easy to describe somehting that would be easy, if we could hear it!
Good that she has settled again.
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