Shelties giving each other bad hair cuts...

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Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Harleston, Norfolk
My two young sheltie boys have been getting on fine and are now 5 or 6 months old but still living happily together, no squabbles yet - so far so good! BUT I noticed 2 days ago that the cream and white one (Wooster) had had his hair all chewed, looks like someone has taken a pair of scissors to it! Badly. Then this morning I noticed the other one (Jeeves) had his hair chopped too. I guess they're chewing each other, they were 'rejects' from a breeder because they had started to nibble and couldn't be shown, but nothing like this - they look like someone has got very drunk and taken a pair of scissors to them!

Not worried what they look like because they're just pets but are they doing it because of any behavioural problems or is it fairly normal? They're eating well and putting on weight and otherwise seem healthy.

Will try to get some pics - they look hilarious!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry sweetie but that really made me laugh, boars ::) ::) ::) ::)
Looks like you wont have to worry about trimming them for awhile ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Piccies is a must please :D :D :D :D
I have two Shelties and i noticed that one had been on the recieving end of a bad haircut!
I thought it might be boredom or a dominance thing but i'm not sure :-\
This is called "barbering" - some guineas do it, some dont, some will do it for a little while & then stop, some will do it forever! It doesn't harm them (either the one doing it or receiving it) so no need to worry. Some guine pig shampoos can deter others from barbering so if it does become a problem or even if it just annoys you, then try some.
My 2 older Sows Flora and Fleur do it and they are Smooths, I can't see it being dominance as they do it to one another, maybe it's an affectionate thing? I'm not sure we really know why they do it! My 2 are sisters and once they do it they lick one anothers face! 98)

I think they're probably just saying 'god I'm hot do us a favour and get some of this off me' ;D ;D ;D so funny! you need to get pics for us! x
yes its called barbering and they do it cause they are bored :D

2 of mine do it to each other ::)

wow, guinea pigs are such good hairdressers :D
Timmy (coronet) and Sunny (sheltie) do this to eachother, like you said, looks like a bad hairdresser got the scissors to them :D

I dont believe it is boredom as mine get loads of floor play and have a lovely big cage with loads to do and I can tell they are happy. It may be a sign of affection or just that they want a haircut ;D
always wondered why petal 0:) 0:) 0:) used to chew my hair so you think it is a form of affection? :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: would this be why jessie and frosty(a cockateil) groom OH's moustache? boys will be boys hope your boys don't go too far or you'll need piggy wigs. 2funny 2funny 2funny hugs and cuddles to you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-*
OK I got some photos of the bad hair cuts:






You can't really see how bad it is but the ginger one used to be really deep red and the top coat has all been bitten away leaving the lighter ginger underneath.

aaah aren't they sweet :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: they are just setting a fashion statement! 2funny 2funny 2funny i mean in the UK you are in spring so these are what all the guinea pigs are wearing this spring! 2funny 2funny 2funny sorry, way to early in the morning, trying to cool off the house but NOT working. just got daylight and the sky is so red, strong north wind blowing. hugs and cuddles to you and your furbabies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* i mean look at those faces, they are so innocent they would NEVER do what you are saying they did! shame on you! they are toooo sweet to anything wrong! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: okay thats it i am going to make a cup of coffee. i am going :~D :~D :~D x8) x8) x8) they'll be coming to take me away 666) 666) 666)
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