Shed Set Ups...

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England
As long as everything continues on track our small terraced house is 'Sold subject to contract'. :) We've had an offer accepted on a house, and as long as the paperwork and survey goes ok - hopefully we'll be in a new home at some stage over the next few months. More lawn for hungry pigs!

I currently have a rescued pair of pigs in a lovely sturdy 6ft hutch. Mr Brunel who is neutered and his mad/hyper younger wifepige Lilith.

I've been promised a pig shed when we move. :) Potentially that could mean I could also add a couple of extra pigs to my pair.... Previously I've always had boar pairs - but I assume that would be a recipe for trouble, as they would need to share the shed with Brunel and Lilith, and even in a separate pen they'd be able to smell Lilith?

Now I'm just wondering how people set their sheds up.

Do they use their original hutch as part of a larger hutch and pen combo, or do people opt for a C&C type set up? If the shed is insulated is a C&C set up warm enough with hay stuffed boxes etc in the winter?

Really, really hoping the move goes smoothly and happens soon.
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I started off with a C&C in my shed - but have "upgraded" to a hutch

Member Gallery: Hutches

On sunny days, I have to open all the windows in the shed and I didn't feel they were safe in a C&C.

It''s also easier to make sure they are warm enough in winter.
Thanks for the reply.

I did wonder about hot sheds. I'd wondered about fitting wire mesh to the insides of windows so they could still be open, but keep cats etc.

Off to browse the photos now.
I have three pigs free range in a shed, with hidies and wooden boxes and hay and heat pads for the winter. Unfortunately, in the summer it is going to be too hot even with foil backed insulation and widow open (wired to prevent said cats!), I cannot open the door during the day as it would let too much sun in and heat it even more! so I've just bought a 5x2 C&C for the spare room as a summer heat wave home! (Or extreme winter home)
Thanks for the reply.

I did wonder about hot sheds. I'd wondered about fitting wire mesh to the insides of windows so they could still be open, but keep cats etc.

Off to browse the photos now.

I have three pigs free range in a shed, with hidies and wooden boxes and hay and heat pads for the winter. Unfortunately, in the summer it is going to be too hot even with foil backed insulation and widow open (wired to prevent said cats!), I cannot open the door during the day as it would let too much sun in and heat it even more! so I've just bought a 5x2 C&C for the spare room as a summer heat wave home! (Or extreme winter home)

Mine are usually OK on summer days with all the doors and windows open.

The only time I have had a problem is during last year''s heat wave when we were getting temperature's of 26 degrees in the shade! Fortunately , OH was away ( yes - I DO mean that statement !) so I was able to move them indoors.
I have an air conditioning unit in my shed for hot humid days but rarely need to use it, but its good to have it
This is how I used the hutch in my shed currently.


I am getting a new bigger shed in the next few months. I will be having a c&c in the new shed. I need something off the floor so I have space for storage and my back and knees don't give up on me when I clean them out!

I'll be having mesh over windows too along with mesh near the door. I'll be having a stable door so I can open the top half on warm days. I'll have electric down there too so I can use heaters and fans ect.

I did the same as @PiggyOwner last year with the heat wave and brought them indoors.

I do feel they will be safe in a c&c. At the moment they are basically running around the shed floor so a c&c will be safer.

Good luck with it all! :)
Love your shed @ayemee .

We were lucky that during the heatwave my pigs were down staying with my parents who have a mini orchard. The pigs spent pretty much all their time outside in longinsh grass in a naturally shaded run.

Ideally the pigs won't come back inside again unless we get a very extreme winter. My husband is very allergic to young Lilith, and whilst he's survived this winter (after Brunel's neuter and Lilith's arrival from an indoor home) we'd like to keep him healthy in the future.
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