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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 23, 2007
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I am thinking about getting a rabbit, he would be living in the summerhouse with the piggies obviously in a separate cage.
I know that rabbits can transmit diseases to piggies and of course do not want to put my piggies health at risk.
Are Pastuerella and Bordetella transmitted by direct contact or are they air borne?
Does any one else house rabbits and guinea pigs in the the same room?
Any advice greatly appreciated. :)
Alison said:
I am thinking about getting a rabbit, he would be living in the summerhouse with the piggies obviously in a separate cage.
I know that rabbits can transmit diseases to piggies and of course do not want to put my piggies health at risk.
Are Pastuerella and Bordetella transmitted by direct contact or are they air borne?
Does any one else house rabbits and guinea pigs in the the same room?
Any advice greatly appreciated.  :)

My step-daughters bun used to live in the same shed as my piggies. In Jan this year he started to sneeze, i was in hosp at the time but had him moved into the house, i came home one weekend & found one of my piggies dead in his hutch - the only sign of illness was slight crusting round his eyes & he'd previously lost a bit of weight. When i came home for good one of my other piggies had lost an awful lot of weight & had crusting round her eyes, she died 6 wks later, having been on baytril & syringe fed.  :(
I can't say for definite that they caught something from him (never confirmed) but it did seem coincidental & i personally won't have my piggies living near bunnies again.

Bordatella -

Pasturella -
Thanks for the advise Niki. :)
I love my piggies too much to risk it.
Think i will stick to piggies.
You know that if you just quarintine the rabbit complelty away from your piggies and quarintine the rabbit for three weeks. If there is no symptoms of a disease at that point it's pretty safe for the piggies and rabbit.
jessz57 said:
You know that if you just quarintine the rabbit complelty away from your piggies and quarintine the rabbit for three weeks. If there is no symptoms of a disease at that point it's pretty safe for the piggies and rabbit.

In my experience it's not. Our bun had lived in the same shed as the piggies for 6 months before he got "the snuffles."
Oh, I was talking from my experience from piggie quarintine experience I don't know about rabbits but if you were going to get a rabbit just make sure he comes from a healthy enviornment and make sure it has a clean bill of health from a good certified vet. I would still do a quarintine period but with animals you just may never know, animals can develop a disease no matter how good and how well they are housed. Sometimes you just have to take chances and hope it works.
jessz57 said:
Oh, I was talking from my experience from piggie quarintine experience I don't know about rabbits but if you were going to get a rabbit just make sure he comes from a healthy enviornment and make sure it has a clean bill of health from a good certified vet. I would still do a quarintine period but with animals you just may never know, animals can develop a disease no matter how good and how well they are housed. Sometimes you just have to take chances and hope it works.

Rabbits carry Pasturella, have a look at the above link to Pasturella & Bordatella both of which "can" be fatal to piggies :(
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