Shall I Wait To Bathe Bereaved Piggy?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
North East England
Peanut lost her best friend yesterday, bless her. She is 6 months old now, and her hair is now very long! I've trimmed it round her rear end to stop it getting wet from when she goes to the loo. When cuddling her yesterday I noticed her whole coat is a bit smelly so I want to buy her some nice conditioning guinea pig shampoo to make her coat all nice. I'm thinking of trying it next week sometime. Do you think it will be too much for her to have her first bath after losing her friend? Also, do you think I should trim the bottom of her hair or just leave it long? (You'd think I was torturing her they way she squeals when I'm cutting her hair, despite not actually touching her skin or pulling her hair. Such a drama queen! :roll:)
What a stunner :love:

I would leave it a while to be honest, best not stress her out

With our long haired piggies we have always trimmed the bum fur complete back, this stops the matting. I would trim the ends too, she is very long haired.

Hope you are both doing okay x
Thank you for your replies. I have ordered some shampoo anyway cause she is smelly all over bless her! I will attempt to trim the ends if it doesn't stress her out too much. Hopefully I can bribe her with grass before she realises what's happening. I'll leave her bath for a while.
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