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New Born Pup
Aug 21, 2022
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I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around 600-700g. We can see in the pictures that he is quite small. I am trying to make him gained weight. He is a happy pig that has good spirit.

This week, I took him to the vet because he had a big abscess in his mouth/neck area. It grew quite fast and it was making it hard for him to eat. I had to smash his food so he could eat. He is still interested in food. The vet told me that he has a severe dental infection. She told me that with these cases we don't know if he will get better or not. It will take a long period of time for him to recover, if he does recover. She told me that he was in a lot of pain because of the abcess and the infection.

One option is to try to give him some medecine to help with the pain and some antibiotics. But it will be a treatement that will take months and maybe the rest of his life. We also had to remove the abscess and trim his teeth since they were crooked and a bit too long. The infection and his teeth was the reason he wasn't putting on much weight. There's the possibility that he will form other abcess. We don't know.

My other option is to put him down. I didn't think he was ready to be put down. He still had great spirit and he is a pretty happy piggie. Even when he was in a lot of pain because of the abscess and the infection, he was still walking around and being happy. When I put down my other pig Bilbo I knew he was ready, he had trouble walking, he was in pain and there wasn't really any option, he would not get better whatever what we did. The more I waited, the worst he would have got. And I could see in his last days that he was ready to go just by how he was in general. From this experience, I don't feel like Samwise wants to leave just yet. I think he still has the will the live. He moves around a lot, he always greets me when i get home, when i open his cage he goes out and explores his environment, he gets on well with his fellow pigmate, he sleeps well, he poops and pee's normaly. He just has a bit of difficulty eating. That is why I didn't choose to let him go just yet and decided to try something to see if he could still live a normal life till his times comes. I wanted to give him at least a chance.

We trimmed his teeth and removed the abscess. We decided to see in a month if his health gets better or not with the medication. He has a medication for pain and antibiotics. He seems to be able to eat the food if I chop it in small pieces. The pain meds seems to be helping him. He seems more confortable. I will see the vet in a month and we will discuss if we should proceed with the treatment the rest of his life or if I should choose the other option. It will depend on how the treatment is going, if he is losing or gaining weight, his well-being in general and his quality of life.

We don't know the outcome, we don't know if he will get better or not. If you were in my place, what would you do? Would you still have given him a chance ? Or would you have chosen to let him go? Would you wait and see if he makes progress? On what criteria would you base yourself to say you did everything and it's time to let him go?


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I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around 600-700g. We can see in the pictures that he is quite small. I am trying to make him gained weight. He is a happy pig that has good spirit.

This week, I took him to the vet because he had a big abscess in his mouth/neck area. It grew quite fast and it was making it hard for him to eat. I had to smash his food so he could eat. He is still interested in food. The vet told me that he has a severe dental infection. She told me that with these cases we don't know if he will get better or not. It will take a long period of time for him to recover, if he does recover. She told me that he was in a lot of pain because of the abcess and the infection.

One option is to try to give him some medecine to help with the pain and some antibiotics. But it will be a treatement that will take months and maybe the rest of his life. We also had to remove the abscess and trim his teeth since they were crooked and a bit too long. The infection and his teeth was the reason he wasn't putting on much weight. There's the possibility that he will form other abcess. We don't know.

My other option is to put him down. I didn't think he was ready to be put down. He still had great spirit and he is a pretty happy piggie. Even when he was in a lot of pain because of the abscess and the infection, he was still walking around and being happy. When I put down my other pig Bilbo I knew he was ready, he had trouble walking, he was in pain and there wasn't really any option, he would not get better whatever what we did. The more I waited, the worst he would have got. And I could see in his last days that he was ready to go just by how he was in general. From this experience, I don't feel like Samwise wants to leave just yet. I think he still has the will the live. He moves around a lot, he always greets me when i get home, when i open his cage he goes out and explores his environment, he gets on well with his fellow pigmate, he sleeps well, he poops and pee's normaly. He just has a bit of difficulty eating. That is why I didn't choose to let him go just yet and decided to try something to see if he could still live a normal life till his times comes. I wanted to give him at least a chance.

We trimmed his teeth and removed the abscess. We decided to see in a month if his health gets better or not with the medication. He has a medication for pain and antibiotics. He seems to be able to eat the food if I chop it in small pieces. The pain meds seems to be helping him. He seems more confortable. I will see the vet in a month and we will discuss if we should proceed with the treatment the rest of his life or if I should choose the other option. It will depend on how the treatment is going, if he is losing or gaining weight, his well-being in general and his quality of life.

We don't know the outcome, we don't know if he will get better or not. If you were in my place, what would you do? Would you still have given him a chance ? Or would you have chosen to let him go? Would you wait and see if he makes progress? On what criteria would you base yourself to say you did everything and it's time to let him go?
If it was me I would wait and see how treatment goes if he is eating and painkillers are working . I would keep in contact with the vet if he isn't making the improvement you want, though. As a month is quite far away.
Aw poor Samwise, what a great name!
If it was me I would absultely have done the same as you and given him a chance with the treatment. I really hope it works! 🌈❤️

I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around 600-700g. We can see in the pictures that he is quite small. I am trying to make him gained weight. He is a happy pig that has good spirit.

This week, I took him to the vet because he had a big abscess in his mouth/neck area. It grew quite fast and it was making it hard for him to eat. I had to smash his food so he could eat. He is still interested in food. The vet told me that he has a severe dental infection. She told me that with these cases we don't know if he will get better or not. It will take a long period of time for him to recover, if he does recover. She told me that he was in a lot of pain because of the abcess and the infection.

One option is to try to give him some medecine to help with the pain and some antibiotics. But it will be a treatement that will take months and maybe the rest of his life. We also had to remove the abscess and trim his teeth since they were crooked and a bit too long. The infection and his teeth was the reason he wasn't putting on much weight. There's the possibility that he will form other abcess. We don't know.

My other option is to put him down. I didn't think he was ready to be put down. He still had great spirit and he is a pretty happy piggie. Even when he was in a lot of pain because of the abscess and the infection, he was still walking around and being happy. When I put down my other pig Bilbo I knew he was ready, he had trouble walking, he was in pain and there wasn't really any option, he would not get better whatever what we did. The more I waited, the worst he would have got. And I could see in his last days that he was ready to go just by how he was in general. From this experience, I don't feel like Samwise wants to leave just yet. I think he still has the will the live. He moves around a lot, he always greets me when i get home, when i open his cage he goes out and explores his environment, he gets on well with his fellow pigmate, he sleeps well, he poops and pee's normaly. He just has a bit of difficulty eating. That is why I didn't choose to let him go just yet and decided to try something to see if he could still live a normal life till his times comes. I wanted to give him at least a chance.

We trimmed his teeth and removed the abscess. We decided to see in a month if his health gets better or not with the medication. He has a medication for pain and antibiotics. He seems to be able to eat the food if I chop it in small pieces. The pain meds seems to be helping him. He seems more confortable. I will see the vet in a month and we will discuss if we should proceed with the treatment the rest of his life or if I should choose the other option. It will depend on how the treatment is going, if he is losing or gaining weight, his well-being in general and his quality of life.

We don't know the outcome, we don't know if he will get better or not. If you were in my place, what would you do? Would you still have given him a chance ? Or would you have chosen to let him go? Would you wait and see if he makes progress? On what criteria would you base yourself to say you did everything and it's time to let him go?
Hello. You have definitely made the right decision for Samwise. I have been in the same position and my piggy recovered very well. It did take two months and a lot of hard work but he got there in the end.

I’ll find his thread so you can have a read up. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Edit. Here is his thread. It’s quite long but there is a lot of information from everyone on the forum.

Aw poor Samwise, what a great name!
If it was me I would absultely have done the same as you and given him a chance with the treatment. I really hope it works! 🌈❤️
Thank you 🩷 I feel better now knowing others would have done the same. I hope it will all work out. He is a pretty resilient pig. A true warrior 💪
Hello. You have definitely made the right decision for Samwise. I have been in the same position and my piggy recovered very well. It did take two months and a lot of hard work but he got there in the end.

I’ll find his thread so you can have a read up. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Edit. Here is his thread. It’s quite long but there is a lot of information from everyone on the forum.

Thank you for giving me hope 🩷❤️. I will read the story of your pig. It will help me find guidance and hope that things can get better. Let's hope it will be the same for Samwise. 🩷 He is a true little warrior ⚔️💪
He is slowly gaining weight 🥰💪. I took his weight before his breakfast. He was 650g at the vet and now he is 686g. He can also eat solid food again. He is taking his meds really well. He's got this 🩷💪
This sounds fantastic. The fact he's eating solid food. Yay! Go Samwise. Very pleased for you.