Settling in?

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Aug 18, 2009
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East Midlands
Hi Everyone

How long is the norm/average for piggies to settle in to their new home?
I know the answer could well be "how long is a piece of string" but based upon your own experiences?

My boys have been with us for 9 days now and I just wanted a little reassurance that they're on the right track.

They are both very jumpy in that when we go into the room they are in they dart very quickly back into their houses or nearest hidey holes. They both hate and I mean hate being caught in their cage or run to transfer from place to place.

Guinness seems to enjoy lap time and squeaks (i hope its a happy squeak but I'm not doing very well at intepreting their noises) whilst he is being stroked. Bailey seems frightened stiff whenever he's on my lap, he occasionally makes a noise that sounds like a pigeon and his body shivers.

They eat their fresh veggies well in the morning but normally aren't so keen in the evening unless it's pepper or cucumber which they both adore. They aren't drinking much. They eat SOME of their dry nuggets but not that much and hay...well some days they eat loads and others I don't see them touch it at all.

When they're in their cage/run and they think I'm not watching they run and chase each other and are always squeaking,again I'm hoping this is a good squeak and that they're playing rather than being agressive with each other.

I guess I'm just quite a worrier and I want to make sure my piggies are ok and settling in as they should be.

Thanks for any replies and sorry for the mammoth post!

Are my pig's miserable? Is that why I have no replies? If they are and people think they're taking longer than average to settle in I'd like to know and try to help them be happier. I doing somthing wrong with/for my boys? I spend as much time with them as possible they have about 2 hours in the run each day, 2 fresh meals a day, I have cuddles with them everyday (although not tooo long at the moment as we're trying to build it up) I talk to them all the time or even if not actually to them I talk around them.

Should I be doing more? Are my piggies really unhappy?:(:(:...

Also, can somebody please tell me what the noise that sounds like a pigeon means?

Thank you
Have a look at this useful thread:

And here for how to interpret the noises they make:

They are prey animals so will usually dart back under cover... they will get used to you, try to talk to them as you approach with food so they associate the sound of your voice with positive reward (veg!)

It sounds like you're doing a great job, some just take longer than others, 9 days isn't long at all!

the jackies guineas site thread helped me alot for interpreting their sounds. My Abby makes that sound...its a purring, i believe its a good sign!
Keep it up...its only been 9 days...they'll perk up
The other thing is that they are naturally suspicious of trying new foods, so if they weren't fed a varied diet previously it will take them some time to be brave and try new things to see if they like them! Guinea pigs can't vomit so they are suspicious by nature.

Introduce new foods gradually and you'll soon get to know what their preferences are!

Thank you, its just good to know I'm doing things right. I wasn't expecting miracles and was actually quite pleased with how they were doing, just wanted to check we were on the right track but when I didn't receive any replies I thought "Oh no, they're miserable and no one answered me because they don't want to be the ones to tell me they're miserable!" Silly I know, I'm quite an insecure person though about most things- not just my piggies.

I thought it was purring but I think it's odd that he's purring when he's holding his body so stiff and really doesn't appear to enjoy being stroked on my lap.
Guinness on the other hand doesn't purr on my lap and he doesseem to enjoy it and be more at ease and comfortable but he just sort of squeaks quietly.

Thanks for the links, I've already read the thread on here- it helped loads! And I've listened to the sounds before, I just seem to rubbish at working them out!
Although I do think that this morning whilst I was getting their morning veggies ready Bailey was wheeking (I think!)

Thanks for the replies, its reassuring to know that others think we're doing ok. xxxxx
Oh they definitely will. I am new to piggies too (May) and mine now wheek as soon as they hear the wrappers of the food coming out the fridge. Or any wrappers actually.

I remember being so worried when the postman brought me a parcel and as i was opening it they started wheeking. i was sure something was wrong but I realised it was a food thing. Now it's pretty standard and very endearing to hear the wheeks for food. It took mine a couple of months to do that.

You sound like you are doing great!
OH and the first couple of months I found quite stressful too so I understand where you are coming from there. It's only the last 4 to 6 weeks I have started to relax really. It will come!
Thank you Lisa, thats really good to hear. Especially that last post! I really am getting stressed out about making sure they're happy and that I'm doing everything I can for them. I'm even worse this week as my partner is working till 10pm everynight so I'm doing everything by myself and I'm feeling a bit down and lonely because I'm missing him (pathetic I know, I sound like a love sick teenager! lol)

Today, Guinness has been sooooo good with his eye cream, and for the first time he's just let me reach into the cage and take him out- no fighting or chasing with me which is a breakthrough! But Bailey- well....he's having none of it! LOL

Thanks again x
Be patient; it can easily take a month before they settle fully and are happy with the routine. It takes time for you to learn their body language and the sounds they make as well. See it as learning from each other.

Try to talk to Bailey and be as encouraging as you can when you go and pick him up. Try to corner him in a small space, like a hut. Tell him that he's a good boy and make a big fuss when he doesn't sturggle like mad. You can treat piggies the same way as you would a puppy - try to reinforce any good behaviour!
Thanks, I'm already doing what you suggest with Bailey so at least I know I'm doing the right thing. I've just put them both back into their cage from the run and had a nice cuddle in the process, Bailey seemed a little less stiff and rigid when stroking him tonight than yesterday but still not overly impressed. We'll get there I know we will, I just hate to think of them unhappy or stressed out whilst we're getting there if you get what I mean.

Thanks again for all the replies, I'm feeling much better about things now.

I'm really new to piggies too hun, 3 days infact lol. It sounds like you are doing great. MY hubby is working until 10pm next week and I know it'll be strange doing it all myslef. I have 4 kids too though so the piggies give me something to do when the kids are in bed x
I am sooooooooooo in love with my boys already, I bet you are too! They're my babies and I'm slightly obsessed with them. My collegues at work are getting fed up with me going on and on all the time! LOL I work with children and do not know how you can look after your 4 kids and your piggies- my piggies are my children! LOL (as I said, I'm obsessed)

Thanks for your reply x
hya there,weve had our piggies for a month today!and mine were exactly like yours-and that picture youve got for your profile is exactly what they used to do aswell! one of mine-drizzle-still does that.but slowly they are coming round, they are getting to know the time when i give them there veggies, and I'm sure they are sitting round waiting for it! my other piggie is more confident, and he darts in his hidy hole when i come out, but when i sit by the bars and talk he comes back out and over to me! which says a lot because i havent even held them yet-my partner does that because I'm still a bit wary. youre guinea pigs are very normal, dont worry, and in my opinion talking to them does wonders.i can shout at the kids now and they dont even flinch!haha. mine are in their hutch, but i put them right by the back door so they can hear us all the time, so they get used to our voice!hope ive helped a little! gemxx
I have had my newest two piggies for two days now, so we are still very much at the beginning, as mummy pig is extremely shy. But they are already starting to relax bit the tiniest of margins.

I know that I am in for the long haul, but it doesn't bother me, because I know that I will be rewarded for my weeks of patience and persistence with hopefully years of trust and love.
Thank you again everyone. The reassurance is erm....really reassuring?! (Thats not English but you know what I mean!)

Means a lot and makes me feel much better so thank you. x
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