Set Ups And Numbers...

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New Born Pup
Aug 10, 2014
Reaction score
West Berkshire - England
HI there, I am about to order a Ryedale 5x2x2 Single Hutch for outdoors and a Ferplast 140 for winter or would move the hutch into my shed.

My question is, would both sizes be appropriate for more than 2 piggies? We are looking into some rescue piggies and if they are bonded and happy together we want more than two, likely we would want 3.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Happy if someone suggests a double hutch but I read comments that they aren't recommended!

Thanks in advance,

Hi and welcome!

Trios are rather tricky unless they have chosen each other, as they are the constellation that is most prone to outsider problems of all sorts. Please be aware that baby boar trios have a fall-out rate of about 90% before they reach a hormonally more settled adulthood. Generally, boars are best kept in pairs.

We recommend 2x5 ft for two boars as they need more space to get away from each other or for a pair of bonded sows who are good friends and a neutered boar of their choice. Three sows is an option, provided that they are already well bonded and really get on (a good rescue will have put them up for adoption together). Otherwise, we recommend going from two to four sows in two bonded pairs to ideally avoid any outsider issues, but they will need a minimum of 2x6 undivided groundfloor space.

You may find this thread here helpful:

With members from all over the world, you can help us a lot by adding your country, state or (for the UK) your county/city. That allows us to give you any appropriate advice and recommendations straight away. Depending on where you are located, we can may be able to recommend good standard rescues where you are in safe hands and can avoid the usual problems; by rehoming from there, you can also make space more more piggies in need of expert care. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
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If I were you you, I would contact any of our recommended rescues you can reasonably get to; they will be able to tell you whether they have got piggies that are suitable for new owners and will also be able to tell you what they are looking for in terms of housing. Piggies travel quite well; if you need tips, we have got some in the Daily Care section. (Listing all the good standard rescues that we can guarantee for)

We also have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar.
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