Served in style or find it yourselves!

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I nearly always give my girls their fresh food in a bowl, kind of how I'd like it served to me! but when I used to have hamsters I used to hide the food to give them something to do, always used to feel a bit sorry for them, had to live on their own and they were so active I thought life must be pretty boring.

But why do I do it differently for the guineas. What does everyone else do - serve it up on a nice little plate or hide it so they have to forage? I'd have to keep an eye on them - one of mine is a real piggy (literally) and would probably get round all the food before the other 2 more shy ones.
Mine get theirs in a bowl but most of the time they prefer just to hide it under their hay then most of the food is cooked when you pick it out from them lying on it.
Duke's pellets are in a bowl, but his veggies and fruit i place on his hay near the cage wall and he goes along and sniffs out what he'd like to eat first. He then usually picks out something and runs away to his little house and munches on it :-*
I used to use those feeding balls and skewers/critter kabobs to make them work for it. Not sure why I stopped really. Harder to hand it from an onpen top C&C I guess! I do sometimes pop a bit of cucumber ontop of their hidey house so they have to climb for it or strew dandelions around the room, on step etc during floor time. Its funny to watch how proud of themselves they look when they have 'found' their own dinner. Though some of them look that way when they 'find' it in their food bowl lol.
Leroy and Malcolm like their veg in a pile so they can eat it as quickly as possible. However I decided one day they should work for it a bit more so I got them a carrot rack - only £1 from the pet shop. You can put a carrot or celery in there - anything long. I didn't expect them to go for it but oh yes they do. At first they didn't understand and tried their hardest to pull the whole thing off the cage. But now they're clever and know how to do it. Only thing is, it's a bit noisy and threy usually go for the carrot just as I've got into bed :D

My new boy, Colin, is completely different. I don't think he was fed much veg from his previous owner, poor thing. Only way he'll seem to eat any is when I feed it to him through the bars. If I drop it he won't touch it. So I have to sit there while he nibbles the whole thing. Only exception is cucumber. He likes is more and more... he grabs it off me and prefers to eat it in private in his bed :D
I put mine in bowls - and because I have to take 3 bowls out to the shed, I put them on a tray so I really look like a waitress when I take out their meals!
I hide some and put some in their bowl, I spoil my piggies and so thought I should make them work for something! Hehe
with having so many the noise is quite loud when they know its "that time" so I generally put it in their runs and hide it under hay for them to disappear under to hunt it out, funnily enough as soon as i do the girls shed. its first the boys next door know its coming and start it off lol
I always give them a bowl of dried food but i also scatter some dried food, readigrass and veggies on the floor. Mine love to forage around for food and if there is ever any leftovers it's always what i put in the bowl, never what was on the floor!

Think I'll start scattering around a bit so they have to find it, have got one of those carrot rack things but not sure where it is, I hadn't thought of putting celery in it, that's a good idea.

I used to love putting food in a small cardboard box & watching the hamster finding the food but don't know if the guineas could cope with that. They'd probably end up sitting on the box instead.
I put their pellets in a bowl and just pile up their veggies...when they have floor time i do hide bits and fruit or cucumber around the lounge to make it a bit more fun.
I use a cabbage leaf as a plate. One day I realised I only had a couple of bowls in the house. Needless to say there were loads in the shed that had been used to take the girls their veg!
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