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Serious fungal infection?


New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2023
Reaction score
I've recently lost one of my beloved piggy named Butter (had 2), not sure was it due to sudden change of temperature as it had only been a month since I moved him out from the kitchen (a bit far away from stove of course) that he used to grow and live for about a year since he joined the family. He did had serious fungal infection where his back is totally exposed, and had ringworms that extend over his nose, eyes and ears. Took him to the vet and we did gave some oral medicine and cream (not sure what or which given and I seriously regret not knowing), it did not get better maybe due to indoor humidity/temperature.
Due to the country I live in, there's only rainy day or hot summer outside. Now that we already lost butter after he lost most of his hair and being left outside the house in the cage and caught a cold... Suspect it is a heart attack due to being too cold and not able to rest properly + lot of hair and stress from itchiness. Another piggie named Oreo (Butter's cage mate) shown the same symptoms that had severe hair lost, itchiness and dried skins. We took Oreo to another VET and checked, he did not had mites but fungal infection. He is however in a quite serious situation which his entire back is exposed without hair. We did gave him medical bath (twice a week) spray bath (once everyday), oral medication including vitamins and the cream to apply on the affected skin area (vet said should not be digested by guinea pig so I'm very worried whether he would be affected by ingested some of those accidentally) and after a week or so he does not seems to get better. I did clean the cage every 2 days, and disinfect if I could. We did move him back to our kitchen on another smaller cage and he seems to eat a bit more and relaxed but I need advice as how can I take care of my piggy better to get him cured.


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I’m sorry you lost your boy. Oreo does look very sore. Do you know what tests the vet did to rule out mange mites?

I know good vet care may be difficult where you are, but that does look really painful. If what you were given doesn’t work then please take him back again.

If it is fungal then oral medicine is, I believe, the best bet. I see you’ve mentioned it. Perhaps you could ask the vet what he was given? Was he given any painkiller? If so, what was the dose and how long for?

Have you been weighing him daily? I would consider doing so just to be sure he’s taking in enough hay. If he’s losing every day then you need to step in quickly and syringe feed him/top him up. I’ll link to that guide down below as well.

Have a read of the guide below. Hopefully someone with more experience will be along to give you some more guidance.

As an aside, guinea pigs don’t catch colds. Rather they can get (bacterial) upper respiratory infections. The other thing is if it’s too warm outside then Oreo should be moved indoors. Bear in mind that hutches can get pretty hot. If I remember correctly, they’re comfortable between 16 - 22c.

I hope you can get him seen again soon and he starts to get better.

Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures
New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
All of the links above contain our accumulated knowledge for treating fungal infection and trying to help the piggies who have it. You have been trying so hard for your boys it is obvious you care very much about them. I'm sorry for the loss of Butter, I hope Oreo manages to make some improvement x