Seperation For Up To 3 Weeks

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 15, 2015
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Saffron walden
Hi there

ive recently found out one of my piggys might be male! (thinking I had 2 girls) so ive had to separate them and the vets saying come back in 3 weeks when they are older so she can be sure one is definitely male!
however ive heard this isn't a good thing to do as when I put them back together they might possibly fight and have issues.
ive bought a new cage so theres hopefully no dominance problems, should I wait till I can put them together before making the new cage? or will this not mae any difference?
Hi there

ive recently found out one of my piggys might be male! (thinking I had 2 girls) so ive had to separate them and the vets saying come back in 3 weeks when they are older so she can be sure one is definitely male!
however ive heard this isn't a good thing to do as when I put them back together they might possibly fight and have issues.
ive bought a new cage so theres hopefully no dominance problems, should I wait till I can put them together before making the new cage? or will this not mae any difference?

Hi and welcome!

I am moving your thread to our pregnancy and sexing section, which is not visible until you have registered with the forum.

First and foremost: How old are your guinea pigs and how long have you had them? Have they already been together at the shop?

Here is a link to the best sexing site with lots of pictures, but you are also welcome to post (preferably clear) pictures of the genitalia. Please make sure that you angle the genitalia towards a good source of ideally daylight; if you can ask somebody to either hold the babies or take the picture. Baby genitalia can look very similar at first; not all babies are very clear. Looking into the slit can additionally help you. A boy slit is straight, but a girl slit has got side flaps inside, so the opening is rather looking like an x on the inside.

Boar babies can start making babies from 3 weeks onwards; sows have their first season between 4-6 weeks; that is basically as soon as they are weaned. It is good that you have promptly separated. Whether you have to prepare for a potential pregnancy depends on the gender, the age and the time they have been together. if that is the case, we will talk your through it.

But we best start with the important bit - sorting out the gender as quickly as possible, so you can then take it from there re. housing etc.

As we have got members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or UK county, so we can tailor any advice and recommendations to what is available and possible where you are striaght away. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
Hi thank you!
I was told they are both around 8 weeks old when I got them, (2 weeks ago) and yes they were together when I bought them from the shop.
I noticed one of them doing the rumbling noise towards the other a lot, so I made an appointment with the vet to double check they are definitely both girls and she told me they are too young to be sexed.
I honestly cant hold the girl/boy still as shes very very scared and squeals the minute I try and pick her up :( so I cant even check myself or take a picture she she wriggles and I'm worried about dropping her.

Bella (the girl we seem sure about) is a lot bigger then Luna, the vet didn't even check if she was pregnant! I honestly don't have the space for anymore as much as id adore babies.

I'm going to arrange to visit an exotic animal vets hopefully this weekend as I cant leave them separate for 3 weeks incase they get lonely. they often 'chat' to each other though.

Thank you for your advice.
Hi thank you!
I was told they are both around 8 weeks old when I got them, (2 weeks ago) and yes they were together when I bought them from the shop.
I noticed one of them doing the rumbling noise towards the other a lot, so I made an appointment with the vet to double check they are definitely both girls and she told me they are too young to be sexed.
I honestly cant hold the girl/boy still as shes very very scared and squeals the minute I try and pick her up :( so I cant even check myself or take a picture she she wriggles and I'm worried about dropping her.

Bella (the girl we seem sure about) is a lot bigger then Luna, the vet didn't even check if she was pregnant! I honestly don't have the space for anymore as much as id adore babies.

I'm going to arrange to visit an exotic animal vets hopefully this weekend as I cant leave them separate for 3 weeks incase they get lonely. they often 'chat' to each other though.

Thank you for your advice.

Please be aware that sows also rumble when they come into season or for dominance. Sows also mount each other when in season. It throws a lot of people that are not aware. It can well be that you have got two girls.

Different sizes are not unusual in babies, considering the birth weight can range from 40-140g - that is more than three times the size between the largest and the very smallest that have just about a chance to survive. I have observed a difference of 100g in weight in my three foster litter sisters of the same age last year.

Could you please have a look at the sexing link I have given you in my last post? it has got male and female pictures from guinea pigs of varying ages side by side.

I agree that waiting until a guinea pig is 3 months old is not a solution - by then, any damage is long done!
There are several good rescues in the wider London area, so you won't be left with two separate different gender piggies, in any case. Just bear with me while we sort out the gender first and then consider any further options if necessary.
ahhh I see, the vet didn't even know that she just said well that behaviour is what male GP's do... wont be going back there again she hadn't a clue.
yes I had a look on there but she hates being held I really cant check, even the vet had another person hold her while she looked. though in the pics at 3 weeks it looks very obvious...
I actually live in a small town called Saffron walden (over an hour from London) but I'm going up to Cambridge to see If I can get any help.

ahhh I see, the vet didn't even know that she just said well that behaviour is what male GP's do... wont be going back there again she hadn't a clue.
yes I had a look on there but she hates being held I really cant check, even the vet had another person hold her while she looked. though in the pics at 3 weeks it looks very obvious...
I actually live in a small town called Saffron walden (over an hour from London) but I'm going up to Cambridge to see If I can get any help.


It very much sounded like a general vet with not much experience with guinea pigs!
We have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar:
Perhaps that can help you?
It might be better if you added your county Essex rather than London, so we have a better idea when giving you local advice.
The vet doesn't sound as though he or she has much knowledge of pigs, as girls certainly also rumble and mount other guinea pigs as a show of dominance and when they are in heat. It's also definitely possible to accurately sex guinea pigs at that age (and younger.) As Wiebke pointed out above, there are some pictures online that may help, and if you can have a friend hold the guinea pig upright you can likely get a good look yourself. You can gently press above the opening to see if you can get a penis to protrude or if you can feel the ridge of the penis under the skin. It's great that you are seeing a more experienced vet who can hopefully give you reassurance. It may still well be that you have two girls, as rumbling is definitely not just a 'boy thing.' Lots of luck... I would love to hear an update when you are able to know for sure.
I will let you know how I can on, I have a very busy weekend so it might not be till Monday.
Excellent advice from everyone, I love to learn something new about them which will help in anyway.
Does anyone know the cost of neutering? (if I have to take that route)
I'm a bit worried about luna, as shes very scared anyway, she seemed a bit more confident with Bella but on her own I cant get her to calm down. shes fine in the cage, just when I'm handling her.. :(
I will let you know how I can on, I have a very busy weekend so it might not be till Monday.
Excellent advice from everyone, I love to learn something new about them which will help in anyway.
Does anyone know the cost of neutering? (if I have to take that route)
I'm a bit worried about luna, as shes very scared anyway, she seemed a bit more confident with Bella but on her own I cant get her to calm down. shes fine in the cage, just when I'm handling her.. :(

The cost of neutering can vary from clinic to clinic; it is usually between £50-100. Please be aware that the cost is secondary to finding either a general vet that is experienced in guinea pig neutering or a specialist vet with lots of practice in small furries operations in order to keep especially the otherwise still quite common risk of post-op complications down. Choosing the right vet is absolutely crucial!
You won't be able to have a baby boar neutered in this country until after the testicles have descended, which is typically between 4-6 months of age, and you also have to factor in a full 6 weeks post-neutering operation wait until a boar is 100% safe. I have the surprise baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post-op boar (not one of mine) and have heard of other cases since. :(
As you can see, neutering is unfortunately not a quick fix option for you right now! I am keeping my fingers very firmly crossed that Bella is staying a Bella!

As to what you can do to relax Luna more, you may find these threads here helpful; they contain lots of tips:
The best pic I could get its literally tiny. Lol hope it works


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Please let me know she's dying to get to the other one now the cages are next to each other :(
To be honest, I cannot safely tell from this picture; Bella rather looks like an in-betweenie and anybody sexing her will have to look for secondary signs to make sure. it is a pity I can't just nip over and handle her myself! :(

Could you have a look at how the inside of the slit is looking, when you gently prize it apart? If it has got side flaps that can seal the opening, then she is a girl. Have a look at Bella's knob: is it round or is it slightly angular, especially when seen from the side?
With a boy, you may also be able to express the penis by gently pressing just above and to the side of the button, but that does not always work, especially with newbies.

Separated babies are really heart-breaking; I don't envy you! HUGS!
Oh my friends gone home and I can't do it myself cus she's a wriggle butt :( lol
I'm going to ring a vet in the moring and say I need them sexed and I don't have a separate cage and can't risk it or make something up along those lines. Hopefully they can fit me in for 5 minutes
I took lots of pics but it was so hard my phones not good quality and her parts are so small still.
Yes I really want them to be together again :(
Oh my friends gone home and I can't do it myself cus she's a wriggle butt :( lol
I'm going to ring a vet in the moring and say I need them sexed and I don't have a separate cage and can't risk it or make something up along those lines. Hopefully they can fit me in for 5 minutes
I took lots of pics but it was so hard my phones not good quality and her parts are so small still.
Yes I really want them to be together again :(

I have been there myself with my surprise baby, so I fully understand. Thankfully, Tegan did turn out to be a girl and could stay with the group after 10 anxious days of everybody I asked coming up with the same "I can't say for sure...".

Unfortunately, there are limits to what we can do safely online - we can only judge from what we see, but can't angle the bits and look at them from a different perspective or peek inside. I do not 'want to give you wrong advice if I am not 100% sure. Sexing is not quite as straightforward as you'd like with some piggies while others are very easy to sex. It would be good if she was seen by a piggy savvy vet or another experienced person; the more the better!

All the best for tomorrow! I am keeping my fingers firmly crossed!
It's been confirmed today they are definitely both girls! And so happy to be back together again. Had a bit of a scuffle at first but have settled down and now sprinting up and down their new big cage whilst Popcorning. Haha x
Thank you for updating us! I am so happy for you and your girls! :)
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