seperating ALL my boys ! :(

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Oct 6, 2006
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:'( why can't they live happily?

Apito, Archie and Charlie have all turned into un-sociable guinea pigs and hate each other, what have i done?
what am i gonna do, this means i will need 5 indoor cages but there is NO way i have room for 5 cages.
Archie won't let Apuito near the food bowl or in the house, apito won't let him near the hayrack or drinking bottle and charlie ahtes them both and both of them hate charlie.
I don't know what to suggest hunny.
Maybe they're all fighting to be the most dominant?
Have you thought of getting them neuted, it has been known to sometimes help.

Maybe get them a girlie each (after being neuted) and you could buy a 3story hutch, that are all separate hutches?

Somehow I don't think a little smack bottom won't help this situated 2funny
:'(oh thats really not good my guinea pigs fight and theirs a bit of blood but they make up theirs no way you can try and slowly introduce them to each other is there :-\
no getting them a girl will make them more dominant
Why not take out one of the boys possible the more dominate one, I am sure the other two would settle, get the one you have taken and give him the snip and put him in with a girl, I don't know your situation but i should take at least one boar out the other two may settle down,, I am not an expert though! ;)
I disagree, in my experience if you put the more dominant and the more subsmissive together, they know their places. You are the only one who knows your guineas and if any of them would get along. Neutering may help, however, sometimes it doesn't work. All three won't be able to live together, that is asking for trouble. :)
Three boars together rarely works. (Although there are exceptions to everything, Lol!)

personally what I would do:

Try each 'pair' on your lap without the other boy. Leave several hours between pairs, maybe even try on different days. Try to get a feel for which pairing is the least troublesome, then start to introduce these two boys, slowly over several sessions, first on your lap and then on neutral territory, without re-introducing the other boy.
You may find for this to work, the 'separate' boy has to be kept well away from the two you are trying to bond.
If you can get a successful pairing, then you can decide what to do about the 'separate' boy. If the other two will tolerate him in a cage next door, then keep him near them, but if that upsets them, consider putting him in a completely separate area and either introducing a baby boar or having him neutered and getting a sow. But if you get a sow, she must be kept well away from the paired boys, or their friendship is likely to break down!

Good luck!
thank god i dont have that prob,my 3 boars get on great thankfully
I have a trio right now and they love each other I have over the years had up to 10 boys in a hugh run together in my last shed with no problems but trios and twos are better for my sheds I've got now.

I would try two of them together until they get along and make sure they have plenty of food bowls and water bottles and lots of hidey places mine trio all have their own pigloos and 2 water bottle and 2 food bowls and never ever argue over them,
♥Beth's_piggies♥ said:
:'( why can't they live happily?

Apito, Archie and Charlie have all turned into un-sociable guinea pigs and hate each other, what have i done?
what am i gonna do, this means i will need 5 indoor cages but there is NO way i have room for 5 cages.
Archie won't let Apuito near the food bowl or in the house, apito won't let him near the hayrack or drinking bottle and charlie ahtes them both and both of them hate charlie.

I introduced a younger boar to my older 2 and at first they humped faces, scent marked like crazy and rumbled every 2 seconds. They're fine now though.
I introduced them in the hallway and they were all a bit confused, then the humping started and I got scared incase I'dd mis-sexed  98) . it made the whole of upstairs stink
Then after a while they all moved into the hutch which was totaly rearrenged. China & Neo (the new boar) were still agressive and whenever they started I'd pull out the one who started it. It's been 2-3 months since they've been living together, and only on occasion do they rumble/raise heads. Chinas become quite protective of Neo.
Perhaps you could try reintroducing? My boars have never faught, but then again they are a little unmanly  ;)
I've just put together a trio for the first time ever. Ralfie and Berby were already together and Joe has just joined them. Joe is nearly 4 and a very laid back piggy and Ralfie is about 9 months and Berby 7 weeks. So far it is going really well. If anything Joe has become more dominant though and he appears to have taken charge.

Its early days so keeping a close eye on things but so far its looking very promising. :)

Amazingly I've had less problems with my boys than ever I've had with girls. Tried putting my group of six girls with my group of three girls in the run, and within about 15 mins all hell was breaking loose. Chattering teeth and vicious snapping at one another. I had to intervene very quickly and separate them. It was the group of three who were going for the group of six. Those three are right little horrors! >:D >:D >:D
Boys who'd have them a :D

Cavy Crazy said:
I disagree, in my experience if you put the more dominant and the more subsmissive together, they know their places. You are the only one who knows your guineas and if any of them would get along. Neutering may help, however, sometimes it doesn't work. All three won't be able to live together, that is asking for trouble. :)

Yes thats a good idea i hadn't thought along the lines of the more dominate one,staying!
I actually have a sow this way. When she is added to the mix, it changes the entire dinamics of the bunch. She is a people pig, and we leave her out of the mix. She gets tons of attention from us, gets out in the playpen, but it stresses her out and everyone else when she is with the other two. Try them in pairs, and see if there is a pair who may get along without the other one in the mix.
This is horrible when it happens. I once had two pairs of boars. The first two arrived together from the same pet shop, where they had lived in the same cage. I was told they were brothers, but I never believed them! They were fine, loved each other to bits – never a cross word between them. The second pair were from the same rescue (arrived with me as babies, but prob not the same litter). One quite quickly established himself as dominant (a large specimin, absolutely gorgeous young man), but the other (a tiny little satin) would not give in and some horrible fights ensued. My finger got in the way of one of them, resulting in daily hospital treatment and strong antibiotics. :embarassed:

At that point, I decided to split the pairs. There was not an obvious dominant boar from the first pair, so I tried introducing the four to each other, pretty much as sammyroo suggests. It was quite quickly apparent which ones to pair. All went well after that. The satin lived out his short life with a large but gentle sheltie. Seeing them together was a real joy – they snuggled up in the same box, ate from the same bowl and followed each other around!

It turned out the little satin was a very poorly pig. His bad temper with the rougher boar probably had something to do with pain. I didn't have a post mortem done but I am fairly certain he had osteodystrophy and he died at 15 mths old. I'm not suggesting anything so dramatic with yours, but it would be worth giving the little guys a good check over to make sure their health is ok.
How big an area have they got? Would it help if you could extend their area? I've got 3 brothers who are all together still, they're almost 5 months and I'm desperately hoping they'll all get on well always. They have got a big area though - about 3' x 7' I think and they have a choice of hidey places so there's no competition. Although there is a tiny bit of rumbling and teeth chattering but it doesn't last long. What if you get more water bottles and hayracks so they don't have to fight for one. Hope you get it sorted out, such a shame.
Good point there from Jillybean. I have always had two bowls, bottles, hayracks and multiple hidey holes for my boys. I'm sure it helps. And they have always had plenty of room. With dogs, I know that it's important for them to be able to move around freely and never feel that they are backed into a corner (otherwise they feel they have no alternative but to fight). I've always felt that it was probably the same with piggies!
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