Seperated my two "teenage" pigs (please help 'Pets At Home' are idiots)

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Jun 7, 2012
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I've recently separated my two boys as according to pets at home they were girls when sold to me 2 months ago. Suki and Toto are both around 6 months old now and growing :)

They were constantly fighting toto even drew blood so I decided for their own safety and well being they need to be separated.

Suki is in my bedroom in his c&c cage (he's called Suki because I thought he was a girl and it's just stuck haha) anyway I've been working lots lately and haven't had as much time a I'd like to spend with him.

Everytime I get him out he runs to his cage sometimes leaps it makes me feel like I'm not treating him right etc I feed him better than most humans would feed themselves as I work in a froyo store he has different fruits each night (he will bight your hand off for some blueberry haha)

What can I do to get him more friendly and secure? I just want him to lay on or next to me :( where as toto will chill all night next to me
What a shame they have drawn blood. The best thing you can do is to take them boar dating were they can choose a friend. They will be very lonely living alone as guinea pigs are social animals. All piggies are different and some take longer to bond. It may help to have him under a fleece on your lap as guinea pigs feel safer when they are hiding. Pick him up and spend time with him everyday. Be patient and gentle and he will get used to you. I would not feed your boys fruit everyday as the sugar is not good for them.
Are they next to each other?

My two are separated at the moment because of the 'terrible teens'. They are always next to each other, I just have a grid down the middle of their playpen. They still chat and sniff to each other through the bars and seem very happy, almost like they like their own space rolleyes

I second the fleece on your lap.
My two absaloutly love to burrow into a fleece on the sofa and poke their noses out. It really helped when I first got them. Really built up their confidence.

Can you tempt him to sit still with a bit of veg?

I will say though, that maybe he isn't a cuddle pig. My fudge will sit on you for hours just chilling out, but Toff won't sit still for long before he wants to make some mischief and start to play. He will lay down for a max of 5 mins before he's off.

I wouldn't feed them fruit every day. Maybe as a treat once or twice a week. Fruit holds lots of sugar!
Are they indoors or outdoors? if possible, have their cages next to each other so they still have company. Sadly, once blood has been drawn, boars will usually not go back together for good.

Where are you located? Do you know that you can rebond boars of any age with another boar at a reputable rescue under expert supervision? The key to a successful boar bond is character compatibility; by going for a rescue boar, you minimise your risk with ending up with yet more falling out.

PS: Please only feed fruit 2-3 times a week; too much can cause sores in the mouth or on the lips, and the sugar can trigger diabetes in the long run. A slice of pepper of any colour is a very good daily source of vitamin C, as are fresh herbs like coriander (can be fed daily); parsley, dill, mint, fennel (should only be fed 2-3 times a week) or broccoli.
50g of mixed veg is all a piggy needs in a day; the main feed should come from 80% of hay to keep the guts going and the crucial back teeth ground down.
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