Separating two female guinea pigs

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Hello all (:

As everyone here is so knowledgeable about guinea pigs, I would really appreciate your advice!

I have had my two (unrelated) female guinea pigs for 8 months (they are about 10 1/2 months old), and up until now they had been fine together. They squabbled a bit at first (raising their heads, etc), and one would sometimes nudge the other away (when they were at the food bowl, for example). I assumed this was just them establishing who was the more dominant, but created a separate sleeping area just in case and it seemed to settle down fairly quickly. Ever since they were just fine together, and although I never really saw them sitting or sleeping next to each other, they would eat together and didn't fight, so I'd always thought they were okay. I wasn't aware that nearly all guinea pigs usually sit or sleep together - I asked two of my friends, and they said that theirs' always do/did (however, they were two sisters and a mother & daughter). Anyway, a few days ago the more submissive of the two developed a lump on her cheek (which I received advice on here - thanks!). We took her to the vet who said that she had been bitten by another guinea pig and the bite had become infected and developed into an abscess. The vet suggested that it could just be an isolated incident, and as I've never seen/heard them fighting I thought my other gp must have bitten (or maybe scratched?) her by mistake. However, just a few hours after returning from the vets and them being back in the cage together, I noticed that she had been bitten on the other cheek. Although we didn't see/hear any fighting, I feel sure that if this bite had been done at the same time as the first I would have noticed it earlier (though I did consider the possibility that one took longer to become infected?). I have separated them now (though they are still close, and can hear/see each other), but I'm confused as to why this has suddenly happened. I'm worried that, whilst the dominant one might be okay with just seeing/hearing another gp, that the submissive one will get really lonely. It was suggested that the more dominant gp might have become feisty recently because of her age and that I could have her neutered her to calm her down, but I don't really want to do that as it's such an invasive operation. Another option suggested was that I could get a neutered male cagemate for each of them, or possibly even just one for the more submissive gp (though that would make me worry that the other would get jealous of her having company whilst she does not!). It would really help me to hear any advice/opinions that anyone might have! Thanks in advance. (:
I have a similar situation I have 6 piggies, one boar has been castrated and seperate and I am making 2 trio's - I am slightly worried too about them almost grieving for the other one ::)
My Guinea Pigs, very rarely sleep beside each other, they like their space to much. Since one has attacked the other you should properly keep them separate and get a cage mate each for them. Or you can do what i did and let them get on with it. I have 4 sows who live together and 2 boars that live together. Unless i actually see blood am going on the view they get on. haha. I currently have one sow on her own though as she hates all my piggies. To be honest if you want to give it a go introducing them on neutral ground then go for it but if you have the space then leave them apart and get them friends.
i would say as one has been bitten i would keep them seperated and take them to a rescue centre near you and let them pick out a friend. i would scrub both cages out and either slowly introduce the girls together again perhaps bathing them together as some have suggested, at play time have plenty of food and play things to distract them from each other. you could also cuddles them together when watching tv or relaxing. wishing you luck, the same would apply if you got each girl a friend. sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-*
Thanks for the replies! (: I do feel as if I have maybe jumped the gun a bit in separating them, but the bites to her face seemed to me really bad, I couldn't have let it happen again. It's difficult to try and stop this from happening as they're not having full on fights, and so if I were to put them together and they initially got on fine I wouldn't be able to guarantee that they would be okay for the next however many hours - one just seems to be biting the other who has become so submissive that we haven't even heard her complain about it! I'm thinking of pairing each of them with a boar, but I'm still a bit unsure about a few things - is there any chance that my stroppy female pig would bully the male (also, would a male ever bully a female)? Would it be a problem if the males were younger than my girls? If I were to get a male cagemate for my submissive gp, would the dominant one be happier to stay by herself or would she get jealous? Or would it even be an idea to get a boar, but have them all in the same cage? Sorry for asking so many questions, I just want to make sure I get things sorted for them both asap, I feel as if they're being put through a load of stress!
Sorry to hear about your pigs - but a neutered boar might sort them both out and you could keep them as a trio? Two of mine who wouldn't get on with anyone have been fine since I got my neutered boar - he didn't do anything to them, they just seemed to settle with him around (like hens and cockerels!). Just a thought

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